Sunday, September 24, 2006
" You Can Do it!
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you're right.
If you like to win, but you think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you've lost.
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a person's will.
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You've got to think high to rise.
You've got to be sure of yourself
Before you can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always go to
the stronger or faster man,
but sooner or later the man who wins
is the man who thinks he CAN! "
A motivational/inspirational quote which I've been exposed to for the past 3 weeks. I see it at least once everyday from Monday to Friday. Guess where? The place everyone goes to relieve themselves at least once a day. Actually, should think it's at least twice a day. That's more healthy. haha. Yes, the toilet. A very important plc in my office.
There's this particular cubicle (it has become my favourite cubicle. haaa, i would choose to enter that cubicle outta the other 2 if I have a choice. But if it's occupied, I won't specially wait to enter la.), which has this quote pasted at the back of the cubicle door. So when you enter that cubicle, close the will be able to see it.
It's very meaningful don't you think? This quote brings about additional meaning to me as the exact same quote was given to me by my form teacher during sec school days. She's called Mrs Ngin. A very nice lady, very patient with us, very sincere and warm. =)
It can be applied to all facets of your life, whether you're a care-free student busy skipping lectures, a relaxed jobseeker, a packed-to-your-toe worker in need of sleep, a happy and mature student furthering her/his studies overseas, a troubled young fellow going through a quarter/mid-life crisis, a satisfied housekeeper making sure her family gets the best treatment when they get home, a retiree planning the next phase of her/his life...& the list goes on. Whatever it is, don't don't don't ever give up on yourself k. YOU rule your life. =)
Talking about my office. Everyone seems to be having motivational quotes around them. In front of them. Some examples that I remember..."Don't Quit!", "It's not the falling that matters, but the ability to stand up after the fall", "Persistence!"...haaa. erm. yaaa. that's a handful out of the many. I asked one of them b4, "I noticed you guys have lotsa motivational quotes". Haa, she was like..."yaa. without them, how to survive??" wah. sounds like their jobs aren't as breezy as it may look. The worst thing is getting things done. Small thing. Gotta seek approval...go up...then come down..then go up again. Now you know why things take a damn long time to execute.
My divison's relatively small, a total of 10 of us. So quite cosy. I like. haha. Ladies to Monsters ratio. Wah. It's actually 5:5. Haa. People are generally very nice, very optimistic. Not all, but most. They tend to laugh everything off, scoldings, irritations, any setbacks...scream it to us (divison-mates), and we all laugh together.
Stressful? Not yet. I'm not feeling the stress literally as yet, but works piling up. Starting with 1 project, to the current 3. But coping well =) God bless the presentation on Tuesday. *ahh* I'm kind of not used to the protocols around, the careful gestures which you have got to take note of. Who you talk to, what you say. My fren (a fellow rookie) was so shocked when I rejected my boss a lift. Wahahhaa. He was like, "wahh, you damn stylo. Impressed." No lah, if I could let him hitch, of course I would. I had my reasons. And I believe my boss understands. Ermm, mayb he just say so only. But alas, just do my job well! That's most impt. Who cares about the politics man. I just say what I feel. Haa, so one of these days, I may just get myself into deep shit. lols. God Bless mua. But I will take note.
Monday...I received a beep from a darling in Paris. I was like...OMGOMGOMG. lols. I was so exited when I actually saw her name appearing on my hp. Happy to see the words she sent. & Extremely elated to actually see & hear her on Friday! Great to know that you're safe and sound and settling down, BUT...better water parade every morning k? =( Still coughing quite badly. *sayangZ* I tried to stay awake. But failed. Think it's going to be hard to catch ya my energy has been depleting at a fast pace lately. Haa, but I'll carry on trying k! My heart's with you. Hehe. AJA AJA!!
Oh & parents returned! back from their China trip. It was awesome lo. Beautiful pictures taken!! So envious..... =( Nm, I shall save...looking forward to the 10-12th this month. woo. On the very same day, a very very thoughtful pal of mine made a trip to my place, & passed me a bag of stuffs...inside was 2 big packs of Milo sachets, 2 tins of Foxy sweets and a box of lemon stepsils. All were my Favourite. haa. i love lemon stepsils. & I eat them at all occasions, not only when I have a sore throat. My record's finishing the entire box in a day. haha. steady right? BUT, I din't have diarrhoea leh. My stomach's too powerful must be. Why Milo? Because I'm a milo-lover. But have been drinking lots of coffee lately at work (only have coffee machine that's why)...& pal was worried about my health from drinking too much coffee, so that's how Milo came about. Thanks my dear!! (:
& Wed...My baby's back!! My blue baby! =)) Missed it. Missed it so much. And god bless the posters are within. If not, a particular Miss P will kill me. Haa. But it's safe and sound, in shape. I will keep it in good condition & pass it to you soon k~ Finishing off with dinner @ Sakae!! - A craving of mine since the week before!
Fri...I met up 2 of my JC darlings. Ping & Eileen. Wahhaa. Had a fantabulous time as usual. We yekked so much, sang so much! (btw, I sang miwa's song leh! wahaha. If I remember it right...I've never sang it before in Ktv! I mean, solo sang it lah. lols. SEE, see how impt you are miwachan. haha.) Company was beyond description.
& Sat?? I woke up early to accompany my Mama for some retail therapy...which I kind of need as well? wahahhaa. She got what she wanted. So happy for her. But heartache for my dad's wallet. HAHA. But hubby pamper wife, that's the way what. hahaa. Followed by meetings with Cons & Wsc Gang separately. Time no enough. How I wish I will never feel tired. Because that night, I felt like I was dying. lol. Very shagged. Perhaps due to the lack of sleep throughout the weekdays.
& finally...the ultimate. Haha. Todayyyy!! Had tennis whacking session with the usual few~ But Dan, Ade & Andy couldn't make it as our dear Daniel has outfield...and Ade has already scheduled appt. with her parents. Andy? I dunno leh, is it soccer? haha. oops. So..who turned up? Namely..Elv, Jingsi, Guoxing & yours truly Mua! Liqi was couldn't turn up =(. But nevertheless, we had alotta fun tdy!!! And I'm red lo! My face's red. We played from about...10.15am to 12.30pm...under the hot sun! wahhaa. thank god for the slight shelter, and cooling breeeeeeze. (thanks to bedok reservoir which is just beside). Din't know Elv used to learn mini-tennis in the past, and boy is she not bad! Hahaa, she's always all ready in position. which is good!! Haa. Tennis, followed by a little squash! &'s Food time!! It was awesome...the company...the exercise...the sweating. I realize it has been a long time since I've last sweat it out. And the feeling's great! More sessions to come!!~*
p.s. If you stare hard enough at your television set tonight at 8pm > Ch5, haha. You may see our dear Miss Wee on TV!! Woooo.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I felt it again earlier on the roads,
despite obediently making the ruley intermittent stops.
Heart thumps faster than usual. usual meaning b4 the 7th.
Hope to get back to normal thumping soon.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
I dunno why, but I just love shouting out for this ANGEL of mine.
2 wonderful years in Uni have zapped by, & I really enjoyed every every moment spent with her. Today, she has left for Paris to fulfil her dream, & I wish the best for her in every way possible. She has been sucha sweet darling, sooo I'm sure she'll get all the well-deserved blessings from her accumulated good karma!
I've just checked it online, & our dear Angel's gonna take 16h25mins to reach Paris...including a stop-over @ BKK. Now's 12.42 I reckon you should be on your 2nd flight to Paris ya???? Barely few hours have passed, & I'm so missing you already...!!
Lucky Angel, COME BACK SOON okay??
then we'll go chiong the ktvs, movies, shops & foood once again!!!!
The places which we were supposed to visit, but din't as time din't permit - We'll chiong it all at one shot when you're back!! =))
Actually, all's to be said, has been said. All's to be done, has been done. So, I won't say much here k. haha. Leaving it to just between the 2 of us. But adding to that, I just hope you'll be a happy gal there!! Continue spreading happiness to those around you my dear! & take good care of yourself...+ don't fall ill again k~ Try not to? Drink more water!
Lastly, just wanna say...
I love yaa loads, ANGEL!~*
AJA AJA FIGHTING my dear!!! *winks*
p.s. your Daddy's shoo cute tonite!~ lols. A happy daddy makes a happy dotter. Haa, how true! The ever positive CHAN family!! =))
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Perhaps it's because they're not around to yada at me. haha.
It's the latest I've stayed up ever since the 4th...but heck. Lesser sleep in return for more time with the 3 of You. Why not? =) I've been thinking quite abit after our conversation, and I will treasure my dear ones more from now on. Not that I haven't been treasuring them...but just that I wanna stretch out and do more. It's kinda easy to befriend someone new, but it's the maintaining of the bond that's tough. And that takes alot of effort & sacrifices from both sides.
Guess what? At this point in time. MSN has to fail me!!!!! Arrrrrrr. I hate MSN. I've been kicked outta MSN and I can't seem to sign back in! Tried exiting the entire program. But it doesn't work. Wanted to try restarting lappie. But I'm currently copying sth. So cannot restart. =(
I wish that we'll be as per current or even closer 10 years from now. Even 20, 30...all the way up to 50 years from now! Though we've all moved on to the next phase of our lives, I have faith that our frenship will last a lifetime. I will hang on. hang on tight. Please don't let go as well. k? The precious few. =) I'm not greedy. I'll be super satisfied with just the few of you special ones around me when I'm old and all. I can picture us. LKK...all married with kids, and still having regular meetups. But this time round, bringing along our family...wahahaa. then the kids can huddle one corner and play together. while we adults yada like there's no tomorrow. After much thinking...I think I'll bring my dream, I mentioned earlier, forward. hHaaa. how about a honeymoon of a month by e beach??? wooooooo. Timeout from the stressful bustling life. It ain't possible to survive just alone with your other half too. 1 month, 2 months...maybe max. 3 months?
We need frens & family to fill up our lives.
Am I thinking a little too far? haha. I may end up a nun in the end! haha. but watever it is, a nun also not that bad lah! Considering the substandard quality of guys nowadays...lols. Okayokay. Most are rotten. NOT all. haha.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Never had I travelled at sucha turtle speed b4. Especially on the highways. But now, you'll more often than not see me on the 3rd lane. Heading towards Thomson was alright. It was the travelling back on that fateful path which was most unendurable. & I get really paranoid just seeing them come near my arse, through those mirrors. Especially those zig-zag idiots whom come so darn near me when they zoom around. My heart thumped like nobody's business. Wah. Feelings can't be described. But I can just hurt me real hard. I'm like a changed person now.
But alas. I'm fine. Just need time. Time's the master of all doctors. :)
Something happy. Dinner was lovely. Beef Hor Fun just outside my place. Hongkong Street Rest.~* Yummz. I like it! 6 bucks...with quite generous serving. But wasted, Ice cream gallery's closed @ 9!!! Loved their durian ice cream!! Best of the best! wahhaa. Nm, there's thurs and fri to go ya? (: To all who dread durians, you're really missing out on sth man! *droools* haha. But also good, less people to fight gd food with me. *grinz*
Sleepy sleepy. Shall turn in soon. I wonder if it's just me? But my MSN is down tonight! Arrrr. Perhaps it's a sign. A sign that I should log off and have a game of chess with Uncle Zhou. =P Okay..I shall be a gd girl and do just that.
~Sports, sports & more sports. Aim for a healthy lifestyle. Tml's basketball day. Followed by run on wed. Wonder how it'll be like. *Excited* ~
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Lovely lilies!
work place's just opposite far east floral...woo! A place I love! with flowers - so pretty & cheap! initial intention's buying one stalk a day to count the no. of days i've worked...& brighten my day as well. but nah. lols. too much! perhaps once a week or month. haven't decided. let's see my mood. hahh. btw, I din't buy those lilies. My mum did! & it's reaally cheap...w/o packaging of course. & wow. I bet you guys noticed the ever flower-ed & beautified Singapore, soo pretty. If only it's gonna be like this all year round.
Hope I can wake up on time tml! *cross fingers* though mummy's not ard to literally shake me...i've set up a formation of 2 alarm clocks w ultra loud rings. & plus you to ring me! That shd do the job ya? lols. AHH. okay. off to bed. which bed shall I plonk myself on tonight? super single? queen? or king-sized? =P

A smile a day keeps the doctor away!!! =)
- quoted by Dr Huang. wahaha. that's me if you din't realize. When surrounded by positive people, you tend to become more positive too. =P
Everyday it seems, there will be STH dragging you behind...making you feel uphappy, angry, troubled or whatever it may be. But how it's gonna affect actually highly determined by you yourself. Whether you put up a =( , brood over it & think that you're the most unfortunate person on earth. Or, you face it with guts, accept it in stride, forgive and forget & take it as a lesson learnt. Do STH about it in short. Don't you think that's a much better alternative?
"Making my loved ones smile at least 3 times a day" - that's my dad's philosophy. Haha, very meaningful hor? Well...I hope to make it mine too. Everyone has their unhappy sides, & if everyone =(...won't that make this world a very sad one? Moreover, when your loved ones smile too. seeing them happy, makes you happy too. (:
To all my loved ones (esp. my kor & frens & extended family): Though I don't get to see you everyday...I hope you'll be immersed in many many happy events, feeling blessed and all. Be happy!!!'ve got ME in your life! lols.
~ loved the donuts my dear. though I very much believed it tasted much better there! wahaha. All in my tummy long ago. the donuts. the tapioca chips. All added to my weight!! haaa~* ~

DON'T WORRY ya??? I'm OKAY. I assure you that. =)
Just a little cranky, a little fragile & a little painy in my bones. (old that's why)
Note: Elv-dear...yeah! curse them! I curse him for you! But I guess mine wasn't deliberate lah, though everything was well taken care of. My negligence too for not regularly checking my arse via the rear mirror. darn. But well. I'm glad I'm in one piece. But state of her's in a mess. =( Heart broken into a zillion pieces. Gal, your tummy better recover soon too k?? =P muack~
Took pictures, for evidence. But it's too crazy to upload it. haha. so better not lah har. =P
........................................................................................................Woke up at 5.45am this morning to send papa and mama to the airport. They left just in time to avoid e IMF. what good timing! & I bet they'll have a rewarding trip in China! hey hang on. But it ain't gonna be perfect w/o me!! *evil grinz* Nevertheless, have fun guys!! SO gonna miss you both. (machiam they read my blog. lols) Will I miss her naggings? hahaaa. We shall see. But realized I'm not an unloved child afterall (when papa & mama's not ard), cos cousin & aunt have been "fighting" to ask me out! Lols. I'll be good. Grown up and all. :)
Breath-taking scenic places they gonna visit...Yunan, Dali, Lijiang!!! Purrfect place for a relaxing 2 weeks. How nice...imagine staying in 1 of their villages, surrounded by those majestic mountains, (i wish i'm there...grrr) picturesque rivers & lakes...with big patches of grassland...Run around, feel the carefree life...& breathe in the fresh-est air ever! woo! Though I can't see myself surviving in that kinda environment L-T, but it's definitely on my must-go travel list & i shall aim to set foot on it one day!
For now, just start saving!
Haaa, I dunno if I've ever mentioned b4...but when I'm old & all, I wish to settle down in a quiet the beach...having the sand & the sea just by me...with the one i love. Just 2 of us...along the ever amazing & beautiful sea...waking up everyday seeing the magnificient egg-yolk rising from the horizon...& listening to the ever relaxing waves. How nice. Yes..dream dream dream. hahaha. A dream of mine. :)
Okays. Let's update a little about work. It has been a weeek...very busy? Not exactly. But work's coming in. & I'm starting to feel the seriousness in my boss. He can be really fun to talk to, no stress and everything...but when he's fierce. wah. he can be damn intimidating. That's the thing about people...the many sides of them...which will slowly surface as time goes by. Time's the perfect tester to many things, donch ya think so? (:
Thanks to a fellow newbie, I din't feel that left out for the first few days. More of settling down, getting to know the people, familiarizing myself in the new vicinity & getting the overall picture of my job scope. Dos & Don'ts etc etc. I've been filling my tummy with at least 2 cups of coffee lately. Everyday. wahaha. Y? It keeps me awake after a heavy lunch. & it tastes gd. But comparatively...I'm still more of a milo-girl though. lols.
In the sports division, as a project officer. I'll be working on ad hoc projects more or less for the up-coming year. & currently, I'm working on this water safety thingy. Main aim would be to increase awareness of water safety. Everywhere. In pools, canals, reservoirs, out in e sea, even at home in e bath tub... wahaha. In short, anywhere that has a pool of water.
Up & Coming...
Sports day tis coming wed, presentation on the 26th & another one shortly after. Havta get used to doing up PPTs w/o Mr DanielNg...& doing presentations w/o my usual lovely group members! Bless me! Haha. Am now starting to feel exposed to the unsafe world out there. But alas. Just do my best! & thing's shd turn out fine! Yeah! =) Positive's the word.
Special thanks to a particular pal of mine.
Thanks for being by me on
Also, thanks for worrying about me on my 1st day of work when I was uncontactable (wahaha. my handphone died on my first day. how great! But okay. It's my fault la. I forgot to charge it the night b4. =P) haha. actually shouldn't be thanks. but SORRY to make you worry so much...thinking that I may have gotten bullied or sth. haaa, but well, at least I know someone out there reaally cares. & to those who beeped and asked about how my day guys made a difference. a difference to me having an average day, a good day or a splendid day! & it was the latter of cos! & haha. lucky-angel...i agree it's nice to know my funeral won't be empty too.
Changi Airport. A place to go send people off, or receive people. A place where people shed tears of joy...or tears of sadness. A place where you'll see how much people mean to you? ha. or rather how much they're gonna miss you. or you gonna miss them. & it's a darn big freezer. A place I was a month back, earlier tis morning & soon again to come. A week exactly. & it's gonna just whizz past. A thing for sure - I'll miss you dearly.
To all my dear frens: Ganbatte on! & have a great week ahead k! =))
*** looking forward to the 15th & 16th!***
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Okays. Where shall we begin at?
Let’s just state some main happenings of this week k…
I’ve finally received the total reward upon the completion of my month-old project on Monday, the 28th of August! It includes the time when I first met up with him, to the time I completed every aspect of it. Adding to a number of hiccups here and there, yahoo! gave me trouble as well with a worldwide hiccup that held me back for quite awhile. They actually had a link linked wrongly! Can’t believe it. & because of that, I couldn’t enter my file manager to upload any files…neither could I sync frontpage to it. So…it was a “do-nothing period” untill stupid Yahoo! resolved it. Whatever it is, it’s over! & yay…the feeling was wow…rewarding & relieved. This was hard earned hor. Not as ez as it looks. Ha. Don’t ask me how much… I won’t reveal it here. But it’s minimal as compared to all our many working personnels out there.
Coincidentally…the 28th August 2006, marked the 2nd year since the day I’d watched the road safety video clip at Comfort Driving Centre. Look how time really flies. I can still remember how Gan Chiong (‘Nervous’ in Hokkien) I was that day man. Butterflies all over my tummy while I waited in a small room with 5-7 other guys, staring at the various route-maps pasted on the wall like a pig waiting to be slaughtered.
Anyways, I sincerely thank god for the blessings. Everything came together so well. Good weather, good traffic, good tester, good pedestrians…ha. of cos not forgetting the very very impt factor….good driver! Wahaha. Anyway, ever since the incident along AYE (if fmq & Eileen remembers), I have tried my bestest to drive as safely and as focused as I can when I’m on the roads…especially so when there are passengers on board. Because I never ever wanna experience what we experienced that day.
Met up several marketeers this week! Missed you guys soo much after the last time we met at…Esplanade for most, & Marina Sq for one. & I’m so looking forward to our up-and-coming dinner tml night (or rather…tonight!). Firstly…it’s the 2 ‘M’s I met up with on charlie-chopin Monday (as declared by our dear M1…Monday’s a black&white day for most working personnels~ haa.) And M2!! Finally back from outer space. Okay lah. I shall be miss nice as usual and state the truth here alrighty? Lols. Yes, I did feel that you lost a lil’ weight~ wahaha. Especially on your face. & forever looking radiant! We had dinner @ the Soup Spoon & coffee @ Gloria Jeans…gee-reat! Food 2nd, company tops it all! =) The rest shall slowly appear as I go down the calendar k~
Accompanied Qing on tues night @ East Coast into the wee hours as she was feeling down. Poor girl was smacked by troubles over work and all…all stressed up and facing a 2-way cross road which means she has to make a decision soon. Look on the bright side k dear. This is called the cruelty of life out there…got to be brave and stand firm by your decision once you have come to one. Whichever you make, you know I’ll always be by you yes? =) *hugs*
This old back of mine has been giving me problems recently. I have been having a terrible backache for the past week, and it’s till
Received a message from my dear fren at about past midnight on Tuesday. & that sms made me all high & brain-freezed that I immediately (I tink it was kinda like a reflex action) called her back. Rejoice! Joy to the world…la la la LA~ So happy for you! Though you may be facing a little turbulence, a little insecurity, a little mad rush right now, I’m sure things will work out just fine! Yea?? =) But… =( I’ll be missing you. Loads. Remember…flight has to be after 6pm okay? Haha.........................................................................................................
And there came Wednesday! The day Mua received good news too! Double happiness I felt. Fren’s good news yesterday = my good news. So meaning…I’ve received two great news!! Reflex action once again, I made a phone call to someone. Haa. & after the blabbering…she asked me a very good question which shocked me as well. Literally. I think my mind was in a mess then also. So havta pardon me. I din’t call my parents first thing first…but her. Oh my goodness. But thereafter parents & bro received news first-hand! & poor brother of mine got awaken by my call lo. I forgot about the 12-hour time difference btw Singapore & New York…what a smart sis I am. Haha. But nevertheless, he din’t scold me! Wah. Because it was news worth sharing about. =) *smiles*
Anyways, big big thanks to all my darlings for the blessings & good luck messages/calls…& also to one whom said she was going to go vegetarian for me (I wonder if she really did). But that ain’t important la. Haa, the thought of doing so was already sufficient.
After receiving the news (still on Tuesday), heaven seems to start crying. For what I wonder. Is that a sign? I hope not. Lols. Late afternoon onwards…it started raining cats and dogs…till the very next morning! What a nice weather to tuck yourself in bed under your so very thick comforter & zzzz like there’s no tml! Wooo. (Working personnels, don’t whack me. I din’t.)
Originally…the plan was to play tennis from 7-9pm, with the usual tennis khakis…Ade, Jingsi, Miwa, Guoxing, Daniel & Liqi @ Yio Chu Kang Stadium. But alas, the weather went against our plan…& totally spoilt it. However, there was this impromptu plan that came up. As the others were like busy elsewhere (I tink), Danielzhu & myself went to catch a movie (my super ex-gf) & had supper @ Yong He (Geylang’s very famous dou jiang you tiao)! We met a little late as filial him was taking care of his Ah-gong. Okay, rare breed in this era of ours. But girls…don’t think too much…this pig here is long taken already! Wahaha! I hear wedding bells coming by soon! Lols. *excited to attend* =P Okay moving on, movie was so-so, quite funny…but a little over exaggerated~ haa…but not too bad lah…watched with a pig mah. Haaa. Poor him performed “the sprint” from plaza sing. all the way to the cathay (yesyes, & he’s proud of it…wahaha! Because he *zoooomed* over like in barely a few minutes. He was at plaza sing. as he wanted to buy some snacks for the movie but queues were too overwhelming…& we were running late for movie. So…that explains the dash.
For Yong He, wahaha. we ate till we nearly 吐奶 (direct trans…puked milk). Why? Because of a bet we made! & the bet was to drink as many cups of soyabean drink as possible. The loser would be the one who backed out. I would like to emphasize a point…which is…when we reached Yong He right, both of us were already kind of “need” to let go. But, we decided to start the bet without going to the loo, to make this whole thing even more challenging! Okay, in the end, we each drank 4 cups (if I din’t rem. wrong) and thereafter…we dropped the bet. Lousy me couldn’t take it as my bladder was on the verge of bursting. Serious. Ha. Dashed to the loo lo!
Thereafter, we went for a cheap thrill on dan’s bike around Geylang. I love the feel on 1918! Absolutely exciting. Free you of any worries whatsoever. Head knocks here and there. Messy hair. & I love the way the wind gushes past you. Woo!
Oh no! Time’s running out…I’ve gotta leave house now. & take the photos I jolly well have to…if not…the consequences are…DISASTROUS. I repeat. D.i.s.a.s.t.r.o.u.s. hHAaa. I shall blog more about it again alrighty?
For now, I hope …
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
When I first saw the envelope, I thought it's some road fine or sth.
(Haha. Not that I haven't been a conscientious driver. But a "Reflect-tot".) Shocked to receive this. I should frame it har? Lols.
Lols. Yes I was kidding.
btw, they gt my addy wrong! the officer shd get his eye sight checked.
& Yes, these words are CAMO-ed on purpose. haha.