Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Holding on tight...
Feeling a little pensive tonight.
Perhaps it's because they're not around to yada at me. haha.
It's the latest I've stayed up ever since the 4th...but heck. Lesser sleep in return for more time with the 3 of You. Why not? =) I've been thinking quite abit after our conversation, and I will treasure my dear ones more from now on. Not that I haven't been treasuring them...but just that I wanna stretch out and do more. It's kinda easy to befriend someone new, but it's the maintaining of the bond that's tough. And that takes alot of effort & sacrifices from both sides.

Guess what? At this point in time. MSN has to fail me!!!!! Arrrrrrr. I hate MSN. I've been kicked outta MSN and I can't seem to sign back in! Tried exiting the entire program. But it doesn't work. Wanted to try restarting lappie. But I'm currently copying sth. So cannot restart. =(

I wish that we'll be as per current or even closer 10 years from now. Even 20, 30...all the way up to 50 years from now! Though we've all moved on to the next phase of our lives, I have faith that our frenship will last a lifetime. I will hang on. hang on tight. Please don't let go as well. k? The precious few. =) I'm not greedy. I'll be super satisfied with just the few of you special ones around me when I'm old and all. I can picture us. LKK...all married with kids, and still having regular meetups. But this time round, bringing along our family...wahahaa. then the kids can huddle one corner and play together. while we adults yada like there's no tomorrow. After much thinking...I think I'll bring my dream, I mentioned earlier, forward. hHaaa. how about a honeymoon of a month by e beach??? wooooooo. Timeout from the stressful bustling life. It ain't possible to survive just alone with your other half too. 1 month, 2 months...maybe max. 3 months?

We need frens & family to fill up our lives.

Am I thinking a little too far? haha. I may end up a nun in the end! haha. but watever it is, a nun also not that bad lah! Considering the substandard quality of guys nowadays...lols. Okayokay. Most are rotten. NOT all. haha.
Posted by Jamie at 12:56 AM | 0 comments