Friday, August 18, 2006
It'd been quite some time since we have really in a heart to heart one.
And it looks like our telepathy's getting stronger by the day! woo! lols.
Even we ourselves were amazed and shocked by how we could easily read each other's mind...b4 the other speaks out his/her thinking. right? =P
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder". True?
sometimes true, sometimes not. But in this is SO true!!
It was so amazing - how we chatted like there was no tomorrow. like time & work the next day wasn't even a factor anymore. we just so wanna spend some quality time together. haa... like 2 old uncle and auntie reminiscing back on their good old uni days...smiles and laughter came by every other moment. so enjoyable. so so nostalgic.
we shifted things we were doing and planning to do...just to talk. talked about everything under the moon...& never had a moment of pause in search of topics to yada...becos there were just too many things to update each other on, too many memories to fall back on! It could have lasted all the way till 7+am. But...ha. it ended an hour earlier due to my dad's scary entrance into my room. you could have guessed...I was in red danger. lols. So b4 he make his 2nd entrance into my room again...I quickly disappeared into my comforter & off-ed the lights in my room.
& If you're wondering who's this pig fren of mine...its none other than..Mr DanielNg! The ever evil & mean zhu! haa! & Oh yes, I'm so looking forward to the 9th Sep!!! A tentative date. A day to re-living those precious moments. =))
I'm pretty fragile right now...with aches all over me. My neck is aching, shoulders are aching, arms are aching, hips too! wahhaha! Why is that so?? This is the result of wakeboarding!!!! Fun in exchange for a few days of aches. Worth it? YEAH! Absolutely. I love the sea! Love the stress-free feeling when i'm on the speedboat...the excitment which i totally adore...the way my heart calms down while enjoying the breeze and scenery (when the others are wakeboarding)...& the speed of it all while i board! woooo! Just need more practices...and the aches will slowly lessen. Hopefully income will start coming in soon...then I'll be able to go for more sessions!!! Bless me! Haha! =P
Went by Eileen's plc to spring her a surprise bday celeb. tdy. It's her bday today..the 18th of August. ('s Elv's actual birthday too!!) So we liaised with her papa...& BOOO! scared the hell outta her! wahahhaa! She was bathing when we entered her hse. Such a perrfect timing right? lols. So we went into her room...took out the cake...and waited for our female lead to enter. As the lights in her room was originally switched off...we left it off. So...we were in the dark. Hiding. waiting. We could see her reflection from the windows in her know when she will enter. Haha. & Upon seeing her walk in...we held the cake and started singing a birthday song for her. Before we could finish singing the FIRST WORD (Happy. we "Hair" only..haven "Pee" yet.), she screamed and auto-retreat! wahhaha! we scared her. she screamed! she scared us too in the end! hhahaa!! & we all bursted out laughing non-stop lah. Hahhaa!!! Anyways...hope it was a memorable celeb. for you my dear gal! Haa though we scared ya outta your wits. lols. Birthday girl's none other than Ms Eileen room-mate for the final semester....long-old fren from Temasek Junior College. 3 of us...she, ping and mua got to know each other since JC...& their my closest JC pals of all! 2 craziest girls I've ever known. lols. Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear girl! =)) Enjoy tml, & may all your wishes come true. I know it may sound very passe. Haaa, but I really wish that for you. *hugs*
& of cos...I also wanna wish our Ms Elvina Wee a very very Happy Birthday as well! You 2 gals are born in the same year, same month and same day. How cool can that be. Must introduce you girls one day. haaa. 2 super nice i'm sure you 2 will like each other! haha! (Erm, what am i doing? machiam match-making. wahhahaa!) Yes..& our Elv slp so early tonite. Haa. Have a great day tml ya? =) & cheers to your challenging career in OMD!
Princess Hours - I've finally finished it!! WOW! Grt plot. Nice. Really. wahhaha! Strongly recommended by mua to you. Watch it if you haven't! The last 2 CDs were soo touching. I tried my best to keep those hot tears in...but they being rebellious...still flowed down in the end...uncontrollably. =)) Love it.
........................................................................................................Food shoot tml. So looking forward to it. Thanks Mr siwei for jio-ing me along. haaaa! Will blog abt it tml! - if i din't mess things up for him! lols. Okay..I shall be a good girl...& sleep to have enough energy for tml's busy day! wooo! =)) Nites.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I'm finally done. finally. Finally!!!
=)) SOOOOO Happy!!~*
Many hiccups here and there along the way...
but all's worthwhile upon seeing the final output.
HAA. I am really feeling 'HIGH' now I tell you...(at what time? 4.01am?!!!)
despite being quite mentally & physically drained from all those scripts!
I spent the whole of today...i repeat...w-h-o-l-e of today just doing it.
It has been a long long while since I last stared... so hard...
so long... so seriously into my most precious computer screen.
*3 CHEERS*!!!! Yippie!
Saturday was a blast!!! - a day I probably can never forget in this lifetime of mine. *laughs* It's darn hilarious just recapping the scenes of that fateful night in my head. & to think I'm blogging about it. haaa...but it's a must blog! such an adventure. how can i not blog about it.
Haa, okay. Here goes. Ntumarket scheduled to meet up on Saturday night, the 12th of August, to shower our dear Elvina & 33 with a surprise birthday celebration! & It's planned such that it coincides with the french's fireworks that the probability of arising any suspicion would be the lowest. & Guess what? Yours truly was STUCK IN THE CAR for a near THREE HOURS!!!! *GaspS* & we had a little MARATHON near 9pm! But thankgod Fmq was with moi...I couldn't imagine how time would have crawled by without you my dear.
Yes yes yes. stupid me drove. Yes. & alarmingly...ALL carparks were FULL from erm...6+7???!! The fireworks was scheduled to be on at 9pm (for 20 mins). & 2 hours b4 that...Mad Singaporeans were already 'choping' seats along the stairways of Marina Sq...along the pathway between Esplanade & the Merlion...along any possible path that was a good spot for fireworks viewing. Cars were stuck. Only people could move. It was that bad. From Marina Sq..Ritz Carlton..Esplanade..Suntec..One Fullerton..all the way to the Offices in the CBD Zone...ALL the way to Raffles City! NO lots at all. Cars were stacked up outside every possible carpark thus JAMMING UP traffic. & what a coincidence!!! We bumped into Yishan & Bf along the way! wahAHA. Both were stuck on the roads.
And as time got nearer and nearer to could see everyone getting desperate. We panicked too as time zapped by. Illegal parkings along the route from Esplanade to Merlion & back. Even the bus-stops were not spared. At that moment of time...I was thinking..."This should be the safest time to illegal park. So many cars...the TP can't possibly book everyone right? Like how they never book when cars stack up along the roadsides on Fridays." The situation was that exaggerated. But I guess luck just wasn't with me lah. Even if I'm daring enough to go for an illegal lot...there wasn't any road space to park! Darn.
So we circled round & round & stuck here and there along the way...& we eventually managed to find a lot at 8.50 sth!! At where? NLB!!! - Gosh. that's like ONE freaking Mrt station away? & everywhere beside it are skyscrapers. But it can't be helped. No other way out. So we decided to go for it...and make a dash. dash towards the disgusting durian. dash towards an unblocked view to catch the fireworks. dash towards Ntumarket. What's worse was I'm in heels. Well-done. My fellow runner was in flats thankfully. We ran like we never ran b4 with the pressies in hand...& oh yes. did i mention that our bladders were weak at this point in time? HAHA.
I'm really honoured to have Fmq run with me!'s like the sun rising from the west? lols. But I must say she has good stamina! better than me! But I can't see the logic of that. lols. I have been exercising! & swimming??! & Fmq?? haa. Yesyes. Her logic's...don't exercise & you'll have more stamina. HAaa. peng.
Another point to add would be that tis darlin of mine has no sweat glands! I was literally dripping with sweat after the never-seem-to-end run, while she's still doing quite good. HAHA. omigosh...Fmq ain't human!!!
At the end of the day...did we make it? did we see the fireworks?
YES WE DID! It was spectacular!!!! Absolutely Breath-taking!!! IT WAS SHOO GoOOD that we both practically freezed for the moments. I loved the final big bang! WOOOO!!! We caught it along the way...but it was good enough. HAa. that made my night. All the run...All the sweat...wasn't wasted. I'll try to find pics of the fireworks formation & post it up k.
HAaa. YEAHHH. that's my most exciting & ridiculous adventure to the disgusting durian for you! & then we quickly rushed down to Al Dente Restaurant after the 20 minutes stand-still. Squeezing through the insanely huge crowd. & going against the traffic. Haaa. becos by now everyone's rushing OUTTA esplanade...while we're rushing in! Haaa. By then...Daniel, Andy, Siwei, Elvina, Kailing (the sweet dearie who brought us around in London!!), Jingsi, Sansan, Liqi & Alvin were there seated...with dinner already in their tummy. Haa. Fmq and me then joined in...followed by Qiuling & Rayson. Yishan & Bf din't turn up in the end! Heard that they ended up in Newton..I dunno how. haa. but ya. and poor them couldn't come in time to join us as we din't have any post-dinner activities. This was becos most of gang were shagged out by then. Especially our daniel ng...who din't sleep much the night b4. BUT he still went for pool in the end with Siwei, Andy, Jingsi & Sansan...while the rest of us headed back for our ever tempting beds. Don't be too happy yet my dear's NOT OVEr yet. hHaaa. The SABO will come~*
WOW. I've blabbered so much without even realizing. HAHA. Oh yes, did I mention Ade's sick? Poor gal was running a temp...thus din't turn up that night. Hope you're feeling better already gal! *hugs* last but not least... HAPPY EArLy birthday ELV & 33! Hope you liked the pressies we got ya!!!!~* hoho.
Nice name actually. I din't mean to tease Miss P that night. Just not used to it. hAaa. But calling more would definitely help!! lols. thanks for giving in after being bugged the whole night. BUT no worrieSss...i'lll be tiGHt-lipped here okay? Till you spread the news on your own! =)) Okays. I shall make my way to LALaLand already b4 I really konk-out on my desk. Nitez.

Caught this musical @ DBS Arts Centon Saturday! It was gooooooooood! but a tad pricey I feel. Just a little. The show's worthed watching nevertheless. I enjoyed every bit of it excluding the few phrases of hokkien that I couldn't decipher. It's not easy to stage up a one-man-show...& he played it off so well!
Confirmed seatings for FC this afternoon! YAYS! YAYS! YAYS! Looking forward to it! =)) I wonder if the upcoming Dim Sum Dollies in Lil' Shop of Horrors will be good. I think it should be! Missed the first one. Missed the 2nd one. Third was ge-reat! How about the 4th????!!

Look at what we;ve got here!!! 20 packs of TAO KAE NOI!!!!!!!! Omigosh! All thanks to lovely Elvina...I got them at a slight discounted price. still discounted mah! Every cent counts!!Haaa..told miwachan & she nearly fainted in Jakarta. lols. I love the wasabi flavour the most outta all the various flavours...such as original, tom yum, hot & spicy...(that's abt all i've tried b4). It's addictive I warn you. hHAA. & i got the virus from miss chan!!~

Friday, August 11, 2006
Princess Hours - cleared 2 more discs this morning! arr. show's climax is building up! All her dresses are soooo pretty!! love them!!
had a nice chat with a dear fren yesterday. though it was short, i enjoyed every moment of it. As i once told you b4, you have a knack of making people feel really comfortable. & that's your forte...+ a true & sincere heart. =)
My dear fren, i wish you all the best in your chosen direction! though it may seem a tough road ahead...i believe you'll conquer it in no time to come. what's a road without bumps & humps? right? there's tis saying...which i believe you've heard. "time & tide wait for no man". take this opportunity & go for it!!!!!!! follow your heart~* life's too short for more regrets. Sometimes, the more you think, the more complex it gets. As long as you're prepped for it...I'm sure things will work out fine. if conditions permit, i would also wanna walk through tis path in a few years time. hopefully. =)
Hope your tummy feels better. Received your call during lesson yesterday. Arrr. sorry for not being able to be by you for a awhile longer then. Please sleep well, eat well, & be well! Okay? (:
A lil' break I've taken to blog some random thoughts down. Back to where I should be!~*
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
A tad disappointed with the theme song this year though. don't have the "ooomph" it should have. where's the climax of the song??! But she has a great voice...that i must admit. Songs...I still prefer the original versions on the whole. Miss those songs. Songs that are relived once a year.
Princess Hours - Disc 16! 8 more to go! woOOO!!!~*
*Missing you already....arrrrr. =( *
Monday, August 07, 2006
Hope everything goes along as planned.
Go go JHYT!! *whooooosh*
2 weeks went past in a swift of time.
Tada! Here's some pictures I've been wanting to upload.

The day we ALL became graduands. 1 thing that I not like about Picasa is that they cut my pictures!!!! arrrrr.
5-hour bus trip around Singapore in our ultra thick gowns. Like class excursions back in Pri/Sec School. Sweet. & Hot. A hot day it was. But I'm really thankful that it didn't rain. =) Places we touched. Nanyang Heritage Center. Bridge by Fullerton. Entrance of VCH. Esplanade. Merlion. Fort Canning.
Moments. Moments that'll last a lifetime.

Finally finally...the pictures of THE night!!!!! Haha, & lazy me has decided to employ the assistance of Picasa's compilation ability instead of uploading them 1 by 1...which I think will take till tml nite. lols. OKAY. So here we've got for you...a compilation of the happenings last Saturday night. NBS Convocation Ball @ Fullerton Hotel! A night filled with flashes, cheers & loads & loads of memories!!!!!!! Enjoyed myself truly that night! *AHH* I MISS YOU GUyS...

This was taken last Sunday nite - The day after our Convo Ball.
I concussed till near dinner time that day! wahaha! & I bet you guys slept like you've nvr slept b4 too. Dinner tt day was fantastic @ Thai Village Goodwood Park...They have e best sharksfin in town! To my taste that is. Thereafter, next program on schedule was Ktv session in Orchard Party World. (again?! right after last nite's ktv??? haa nodnods.) & guess what?! Mummy & daddy dearest joined us for awhile too!!...b4 heading back to rest early. haha. It's not their first time ktv-ing! - if you're wondering. I think...shd be 3rd or 4th already. Btw, I love those golden oldies by carpenters...etc etc! Songs not just for my parents' generation...but our generation too! Songs which we ALL are able to sing aloud together!!!

Princess Hours aka Gong1
My latest Addiction! Lurrve the theme song.
Rekindled memories of Full House.
10 outta 12. 2 more to go b4 I embark onto Part 2! wooo!
[wanted to link the MV...but youtube kinda is on strike. or perhaps youtube just dislikes moi. tried a zillion times. But all failed. So i gave up. Here's the link of the MV ! If interested...check it out! =)) ]
Friday, August 04, 2006
It's the first time I'm feeling a lil' heartache over cutting my damn nails. you must be thinking what a freak I am. But oh come on, read on. It has been barely a week since I'd done up my 25 bucks french manicure...ermm to be's A WEEK EXACTLY. *wails* &......& think I JUst self-ruined my pretty nails with a nailclipper! First times...always do FEEL more donch they?
Oh freak. heck la. haaa, since it was affecting mua piano playing...GONE ARE THEY. Now...I'm all left with a standard all discipline mistresses will be extremely happy with. Anyways, if you're wondering how I ever had the opportunity to keep my nails THIS long. (How long...I leave it to your imagination ya.) wahaha. GUess??? Only 1 reason. I havEn't been practicing muCH LA. Yes yes, I will reflect. lols.
Tonight, I discovered something new on this island of ours. Do you know that they actually have signboards in the far most northern, southern, eastern & western part of Singapore stating that THAT PARticuLAR POINT is the extreme end of Singapore in all 4 directions?????? How cOOL is that!! A fren of mine told me about it. He has so far personally laid his eyes on the East & South signboards. But not yet of those in the North & West.
North & West would be woodlands & Tuas causeway respectively I guess. The East near a cafe by the yacht club (I dunno what it's called) which exists at the extreme right end of Singapore. & the South...hoho~ this would be quite interesting. It's not at tanjong beach. but further down. Haa. Meaning you've gotta swim across to this puny mass of sand not far away. & THERE YOU've gt the sign..."southern most end of Singapore"! woww! sounds soo coool!!! Like some exciting explorational journey. I so wanna track them down myself too! Any explorers wanna join me in my journey to the 4 ends of Singapore????? All excited just thinking abt it!~*
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Every moment in time, an amazing part of us called our mind seems to be perpetually churning out thoughts...happy ones. sad ones. weird ones. blank ones. illogical...& even totally insane ones at times. Do you think it's possible to read into someone else's mind? Do you believe in this incomprehensible lil' thing called fate? Personally, I do. & after sorting out some thoughts, I feel that if you have found that particular someone(s), grab him/her as tight as your strength can bring you...& never let go! bcos once you let loose...never can your pull it back. even if you can, it will never...never b the same as b4. So, to myself & all of you...cherish it when you have it...& donch take things for granted ya? It's up to us to determine it's lifespan. Me myself am also guilty of taking the people closest to me for always. Smacks myself. Life's already filled with enough regrets to be mentioned. SO...
Unlock the lil' knot in your heart...
Say the things hidden beneath, & do whatever you had long wanted to...NOW!!!~*
Okay?? (:
CheErs to all the strong-bonded frenships, kinships & all kind of ships around!!!!!!!!~
Here's a glimpse of the lil' happenings that took plc the night b4:

Me with a surprise gift from the guy version of me. love it loads! Thanks "Pig-o"!!

The sportsmen: Auntie Laura, Brother, Me & 3rd Uncle!

Haa...boy am I camera-struck.
Can you see my mini-sized brother in the background??

Attempting to strike a post even in the midst of a game! lols.

My virgin game in squash!
What I've learnt is you've gotta whack as hard as you can,
and aim it between the 2 red lines on the wall.
Sounds ez? Shake shakes. wahaha.

After gym-ing.

Shagged me with mummy dearest after game.

And here we have for you..
CHOYA!! to end the lovely evening with!~*
It's a kind of plum wine (mei2 jiu3 they call it in chinese).
I lovee the taste of it~ sweeeeet.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
But it's too tiring waiting for them to load one by one.
I'm pretty exhausted tonite...after all those energy-draining activities.
Haa, so I decided to post them up tomorrow instead.
Tonight was a night of sweat, sweat & more sweat!
wahaha! totally soaked in it.
Mummy dearest, brother & mua went to my 3rd Uncle's plc to sweat it all out! (actually mummy dearest was jus a spectator tdy..ha. she wore heels lah can you imagine??!)
We tennis-ed, squash-ed & gym-ed a lil'! wooooooooooo! fun!!!!!
Tonight, most of my serves got into the serving box!
Whee! Happy! By luck la. haha.
Brother made me run & run la.
He and his bull-force strength. lols.
But, er hmm. can't deny that he's gd indeed!
Squash-ing was nt too bad!
We tried a little squash after a near 2-hr of tennis.
It was my first time squash-ing in my 22 years so far.
Quite similar... just a smaller frame as compared to the tennis racket.
But I prefer tennis to squash!
I checked a number of tennis pros
lurve the sound they produced!
so effortlessly but yet damn well hit.
Okay. I shall turn in early tonight too.
Hope all's well tml! =)) Ganbatte Js-dear!
Friday, August 25, 2006