Saturday, December 23, 2006
Be it work, meeting, play, dine! ;) Rawks.
2 gifts. I'm loving it!
Special thanks to another sweetheart - heart melts. sugar-high.
It's remarkable how fate plays a part to bring ppl together ya? most of the's clearly a "click" or "off" kinda thingy. But with this particular dearie, haha. it's some sort of a mix. but a good mix surprisingly! You really need to know her, to be able to understand her thoughts. though sometimes (or rather most of the times), there ain't any logic behind her actions. wahaha. oops. but that's the thing which makes her shine from the rest. *muaaaaaaaaacks* Thanks for your "heart"! Love it. Comparing to the time I received my first "heart", the impact was NO less this time round. ;)
Indian Pale Ale at The Pump Room rawks. I like it. ;) Won't mind another pine. haha.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
A near non-stop islandwide shower since Monday. And it has so shockingly resulted in floods to occur in the northern and western territories. Far East Flora's very badly affected. ;( And the waters actually hit knee-level a point in time.
I don't mean to laugh at this critical moment, but... it's so funny. A lady whom was interviewed claimed that the rain washed off her car-plate! Ha okay, not so funny now. But you should SEE and HEAR her yourself.
P.S. can check out the video on ST interactive!
Hope the rain's gonna stop real soon. reeeeal soon.
Monday, December 18, 2006
1. a ring, b4 official work time, fr someone far far away in the western province of Singapore.
2. a morning beep, fr a sweetheart who dawned an awfully sweet surprise on me last night. *muacks*
3. mummy's porridge in the afternoon. plain porridge never taste tis good. And it has been awhile since i last yearned for it.
4. the glittery green (my first in 22 years. a pity he's not here to share tis with me.)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Haha, yours truly me actually plonked myself onto my parents' bed last night!!! And I slept with them!! All 3 of us together! Hahaha. Yes. You didn't hear it wrong. Hahaha. It's all because of a darn CROCKCROACH (about a fifty cent coin in size) which appeared on my table out of no where in the middle of the night!!! And poor me was totally freaked out!!!! What's worse was me not being able to find the stupid Mortein albeit ransacking the entire house! (YES, smart me actually bothered to search for it when I know that the cockcroach will 99% be OUT of sight even if I managed to return with the mortein!)
GOSH. haha. But quite a cosy sleep. Hehe.
Friday, December 15, 2006
I had left my laptop on for the entire day and night for the transfer, & to think the gawd damn transfer failed! Brilliant. Grrr. Chill girl, chill.
Tonight marks another one of those impromptu nights well-spent.
Though dark clouds shockingly rose fr nowhere, the chat was amazingly intriguing w uncle philosophy. Headed for Bugis, e place I used to frequent quite often during my Secondary & JC days. And dinner was "you3 ji4 duck rice" which I absolutely lurrve. But instd of the usual 4-5 sauces of chilli, I just had 2 tis time round. Hee. Fr duck rice stall, to Stela @ Brekos cafe. Chill end. :)
The night somehow got longer as the week zoomed by.
...I sure hope the alarm works tml.
~a couple of targeted buys I spied tonight. shall whack them next month~
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Been awhile since I last posted...whoops. You did miss me didn't you?!! You sure you didn't? I'm sure you did since you're here NOW??? Haha. For YOU, I shall post some pics at the end of this post k? *chuckles*
Today was thankfully a breeze...started with a visit to TKPS, and ended with an interestingly long and intellectually-challenged, yet relaxed, chat at Food Republic. I forgot the name of the drink, but yes, thurs it shall be. ;) Did I ever mentioned that I totally adore the Beef Hor Fun at Hong Kong Street Family restaurant just outside my house? Had that with Ping on Mon, and it was awesome. How I envy her carefree student life. I want mine back! Haa. Dream...okie. I shall dream tonight.
To the dear one whom have FINISHED her final presentation 4 hours ago! To the one whom will be back to the Northhhh in a day! To the strong one far away, but yet close to heart. CHEERS to the last day of school!!! Time to celebrate & let your hair down!!! I wonder what you're doing now...Eating your heart out? Shd be ya??!! Hahaha! And ohmigosh! The msg containing ur addy just miraculously disappeared!!!!! What happened to my hp today. Strange.
Haa, a couple of "you"s in this post. But I'm sure you will know which is referring to who yes? Haa, yes YOU. Anyway, to the two ladies whom I have declared my target to sleep b4 11 on weekdays...I've failed. failed yesterday. failed today. :x Totally un-related whatsoever, but I miss hearing the "Beautiful Love" ringing early in the morning. 26th & 27th! :) Offs.
~ itch = recovery sign = good.'s so unbearable!!! ~
Snapshots of the Weeekend:

A night of f-u-n, totally un-planned for. impromptu's the key! ;)

Cousins @ Liang Court in celebration of my Ah-Ma's bday~

Jim, Michelle & Me @ SPOM! ;)
Looking forward to the dinner tml! *yay*
(I'm so missing you too. *winks*)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Merry X'mas!!!!! ;))
Can Uncle Santa grant me a wish?
Just one will do! *winks*
Among all the many festive seasons, X'mas is my favourite-st! It's nothing religion-related, neither is it of any special relevance. To me, X'mas just simply connotes "happiness" and "togetherness".
It's the finale season of the year, where family & friends huddle together, in a cosy little area...with the accompaniment of a huge turkey (i usually give tis a skip)logcakes, honey hams, champagnes (and a rojak of food) and of cos...the exchange of gifts!!! It has become a tradition for give presents to the one whom you deem dear to you. Presents doesn't necessarily translate to a hole in your pocket ya? haha. It's more of the thought isn't it? But it's brain-wrecking to think of what to buy/make.
I think it's remarkably sweet to do something together with the people you love, like...go grocery shopping together (so fun!)...and cook for each other? buy and fix a jigsaw together? Do things you never would do on normal occasions...i.e. break the law? wahaha! not steal, nor kill, nor hurt anyone. Haa, I'm nt gonna define it...leaving it totally open to your own imagination. Just sth impactful in short!
Thinking abt it, more often than not, it's not the end-process but more of the in-between that really stays within ur heart? Haa, still remember fixing a jigsaw with the "guy-version" of me when we were young...we chiong-ed it till the wee hours of the night. Actually more of me doing, with him sleeping beside me. Ha. But shall not deny him of the credit lah. Love fixing jigsaws...Hmm, I wonder when the nxt chance to fix one will be. Elusive memories. ;) I wonder how my pig brother will celebrate his X'mas tis year i wish i can go to the states to celebrate with ya! haaa. in the ski resort like the other time!! Nm, give me a few more months! ;)
Since a couple of you have started posting up ur wishlist (actually just 2), Haha, I shall be the 3rd and pen mine down for the ease of my dear Mkt-Santa. Let's see...
1. A FAT Pillow!
The kind to lie your head on when you sleep at night. Not the sort to hug while you watch tv hor. haha! I dunno if it's within budget...but if it is. i would love one as mine's getting a lil' flat. HEY. A bolster would do a gr8 job too. haha.
2. Luminous paper starry stickers.
Haha, I dunno if you can still find them at the stores in Singapore. I tried to find, but sadly in vain. I used to have them pasted all over the ceiling and walls of my room...reaaally pretty. It's of negligible sight in the day, but when I switch off the lights...omigosh. I feel as though I'm up in the galaxy. For those who know me long enough...or close enough. wahaha. you shd have seen my room b4 year-end of 2001, or heard me mention this b4 ya? ;) I would kiss the one whom find me those stickers!!!
3. Adding a lil' personal touch would be cool. Haha. How abt saving your $$ and not spend a cent??? I don't mind!! IF, you sing me a song!!! Erm, a song that I like that is. Haha. Negotiable lah...if you choose this. ;P (Esp, if it's FMQ. wahaha. but *DEH* she's not my Santa. =( But FMQ. i would b over the moon if you sing "mud kei" for me! lols. or any canto songs of Sammi.) Hee.
4. Ah! How abt a pretty Tissue-box cover for my "Winning-Blue"? Haha, that would be lovely. Not too kiddy a design ya?? Haha!
5. A portable, mini fan? Haha. I happen to chance on one in Marks & Spencer the other day...& it's within budget. Wahaha. I would think that it will come in pretty handy...with Singapore's horrendous weather. Haha. I wouldn't buy it on my own...cos I think money can be better spent elsewhere. BUT, if it's a gift. wahaha! that's a different thing all together. lols.
6. Oh yes, suddenly tot of the Pig Torchlight I saw in Citylink. Elv...u remember? Wahaha. I won't mind tt tooo. so cute. :P But i forgot how much tt costs. Hmm. which store? It's one of the first few stores on the left when you exit Marina Sq..heading back to the Mrt station.
7. Haha, I guess it shd be fairly easy for my dear Mkt-Santa aldy ya?
Okie, now for the Don't buys. Wahaha.
- Don't buy a wallet pls. haaa. Because I've just received 2 pretty ones recently! And I will be using them for a long long while I feel.
- Don't .... haha. Actually no more don'ts. Hehe. If time/$$ doesn't permit...make me a card lah! haha. solely self-made hor. ;) Serious. I'll treasure tt more than those bought actually. =P
Okay...a long post tonight ya. *concussing-mode*
Just caught "Happy Feet" with Fmq, Elv, Sw & 33 earlier this evening at Vivo. I think other than Elv, it's the first time watching in the Vivo cineplex for all of us. Not bad! Comfy seats. Erm..but i don't like the sausage of my hotdog. Haa.
The film??? Not bad. Cute...! I liked the way he tap-danced along with the music...but other than that, it's quite normal and predictable...Nth spectacular I feel. Just simply very cute. Haa.
To my 15-yr old fren who's feeling down...hope you felt better after the playgrd chat. Life's more of just "them"... Cheer up k? U aren't what you deem urself to me. ;)
& to a particular Miss Tan whom's away in Cheena-land...haaa. Hope u found ur roots! hee. Quick come baccckkkkkkkkkk ok? (:
***SO Looking 4ward to...THE discussed trip!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Realised they were greetings fr afar!
A Sweet note fr Paris,
Tks dears!! And they both reached me at the same time.
How amazing. ;)
Boy do I love them! *muacks*
Fmq: Tis isn't on purpose...haa, but strangly,it just happens to be. (if u catch wat i'm trying to say...;P)
Friday, December 01, 2006
I think it's gd afterall from a larger pic perspective. :)
So, I shd look at it from a happy angle.
Wanted to post up the accumulated pictures! i.e. bkk trip! dinner(s)!
But but but, haa. realised i left them in my lappie, with darlin Elv.
Poor girl's still stuck in Blk4, but thank god she's off drip.
haha, muchhhh happier with food definitely!
P.s Elv, I hope you win the bet! *winks* I'll pray for u tonight! ok?
Just to mention,
Yesterday was THE day.
& Yay, I made it through!
Special thks to the one who said a lil' prayer for me (I'm touched you actually rem.!), for the beeps & thoughts which came by when I nearly froze in the freaking "fridge".& of cos, lucky chain for being lucky! :)
I'm fighting against time by the way.
(Till no batt. do us part)
And it's currently low. lols.
I shall go offline, & watch tv!!!!
Thinking abt it, it has been quite some time since i last gave the tv 100% of my attention. haha. woooooooo. -ciao!-
**x'mas month's finally here!! =)) ***
Friday, December 29, 2006
Feels good.
The jog triggered some flashbacks which made me realise how significant East Coast Park has been to me.
It brings back quite a number of fond memories. Flashbacks during run: 1)My very first hitch-ride with Rt & the time she helped me with my wood-carving. & 2)Sunrise with the Market gals (Still yet to see the big yolk rise fr the horizon. But the time spent with you gals were awesome). 3) Meteor-gazing at Bedok Jetty in 1999.
Rt: I don't know if you actually read this. But it's sad to see how this friendship of ours has evolved to this state. Sighs. Nevetheless, hope you're leading a life you yearned for!
As I typed, more memories name a few, we have... The largest sandcastle (Trombone-shaped) I've ever built in my life. Tkgssb beach events. Chalets with Market, Core-class, Tkgers. The first time being shocked with a "ILY" writing on the sand. Blading/Cycling sessions with Market & Family. The scene of our very first Ntu core-class outing. Wooo. Most were happy events! ;)
I lurve the beach. Somehow, I seem to have this close affinity with water in general. Be it literally going down into the water, or just purely sitting by...either as a spectator to a particular sport, or just purely enjoying the breeze and view. It makes me happy! Ha, strange ya? By the way, I was spectating the cable-ski earlier, & had this urge to wanna try too! This would come forth as a much cheaper alternative and practice-platform for future wakeboard sessions! But timing's bad. It's the time of the month.
Come to think of it, time really flies. 2005 seemed like just yesterday, and to think we're aldy heading into 2007 in 2 days time! Hope to have as little regrets as possible for the new year. Hence, I've come to a conclusion...whatever I wanna do, or feel like doing...just GAN GAN QU ZUO! Live like there's no tomorrow my friends! Bhashya! I'll work towards that! *winks*
Today marked the last friday of 2006. The last day of work in 2006. & The start of a 4-day break. Every reason to rejoice over! *grinz* Enjoying the moments! Let's all look forward to a fabulous year ahead! =) CHEERS!