Awfully sorry that I didn't sense sth was wrong. In fact, thinking back, there actually were signs fr you that I did thought abt, but didn't think deep into. Work has been preoccupying the limited-spaced mind of mine... But nevertheless, I'm glad things are better. I realised that it actually isn't ez to draw a distinct line and not think abt work at all after working hours. Darn. It sucks. But I will work that out k. WIP. ;)
Been awhile since I last posted...whoops. You did miss me didn't you?!! You sure you didn't? I'm sure you did since you're here NOW??? Haha. For YOU, I shall post some pics at the end of this post k? *chuckles*
Today was thankfully a breeze...started with a visit to TKPS, and ended with an interestingly long and intellectually-challenged, yet relaxed, chat at Food Republic. I forgot the name of the drink, but yes, thurs it shall be. ;) Did I ever mentioned that I totally adore the Beef Hor Fun at Hong Kong Street Family restaurant just outside my house? Had that with Ping on Mon, and it was awesome. How I envy her carefree student life. I want mine back! Haa. Dream...okie. I shall dream tonight.
To the dear one whom have FINISHED her final presentation 4 hours ago! To the one whom will be back to the Northhhh in a day! To the strong one far away, but yet close to heart. CHEERS to the last day of school!!! Time to celebrate & let your hair down!!! I wonder what you're doing now...Eating your heart out? Shd be ya??!! Hahaha! And ohmigosh! The msg containing ur addy just miraculously disappeared!!!!! What happened to my hp today. Strange.
Haa, a couple of "you"s in this post. But I'm sure you will know which is referring to who yes? Haa, yes YOU. Anyway, to the two ladies whom I have declared my target to sleep b4 11 on weekdays...I've failed. failed yesterday. failed today. :x Totally un-related whatsoever, but I miss hearing the "Beautiful Love" ringing early in the morning. 26th & 27th! :) Offs.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Been awhile since I last posted...whoops. You did miss me didn't you?!! You sure you didn't? I'm sure you did since you're here NOW??? Haha. For YOU, I shall post some pics at the end of this post k? *chuckles*
Today was thankfully a breeze...started with a visit to TKPS, and ended with an interestingly long and intellectually-challenged, yet relaxed, chat at Food Republic. I forgot the name of the drink, but yes, thurs it shall be. ;) Did I ever mentioned that I totally adore the Beef Hor Fun at Hong Kong Street Family restaurant just outside my house? Had that with Ping on Mon, and it was awesome. How I envy her carefree student life. I want mine back! Haa. Dream...okie. I shall dream tonight.
To the dear one whom have FINISHED her final presentation 4 hours ago! To the one whom will be back to the Northhhh in a day! To the strong one far away, but yet close to heart. CHEERS to the last day of school!!! Time to celebrate & let your hair down!!! I wonder what you're doing now...Eating your heart out? Shd be ya??!! Hahaha! And ohmigosh! The msg containing ur addy just miraculously disappeared!!!!! What happened to my hp today. Strange.
Haa, a couple of "you"s in this post. But I'm sure you will know which is referring to who yes? Haa, yes YOU. Anyway, to the two ladies whom I have declared my target to sleep b4 11 on weekdays...I've failed. failed yesterday. failed today. :x Totally un-related whatsoever, but I miss hearing the "Beautiful Love" ringing early in the morning. 26th & 27th! :) Offs.
~ itch = recovery sign = good.'s so unbearable!!! ~
Snapshots of the Weeekend:
A night of f-u-n, totally un-planned for. impromptu's the key! ;)
Cousins @ Liang Court in celebration of my Ah-Ma's bday~
Jim, Michelle & Me @ SPOM! ;)
Looking forward to the dinner tml! *yay*
(I'm so missing you too. *winks*)
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