Sunday, October 15, 2006
Pictures, pictures, & more pictures!
That will be the THEME of tonight's post. *winks*
A picture paints a thousand words doesn't it?
In fact, i think a thousand words ain't enuff to do the pic justice.
Ntu Mkt met up last nite for Jingsi's Bday Celeb.!
*whee* Hope you had a fun time & all my dear girl! ;)
Happy 22nd Birthday!!!!

Me & pretty bday girl @ Spageddies Paragon!

Bday girl posing 4 me!
followed by some SOPs~ ;P

1st, *make a wish...make a wish...*

then you *blow*...

& cut cake*! =) *yays*

Mkt girls~
*ka-cha* fr a different angle.
& dan actually gt yishan' attn! ha

Mkt guys~
...Elv with Happy @ work!

Jingsi, 33 & mua with our cakes!
I like it very very much! e waffle-base made a hella diff! *drools*
the choc cake fr rive taka basement!

The girls who stayed on!
Post-dinner activity!
wat else but...
our usual ktv!! lols.

...& the guys!

Caught in action!
& e night (or morning rather) ended with a rather unsightly fight!... Ha~
Thursday, October 12, 2006
my 6th friday to come. somehow, i always seem to b filled with more zest on fri. i wonder why. *wahaha* tdy, time passed by exceptionally it's on a bullet train. & that always happen when calls & emails start to come my way. ironically, i seem to like it more tis way! kept in the war...busy fighting my way through - with milo, tea, marks & spencers dark choc dijestive biscuits (which brings back memories of Europe! *winks*), and cakes which come by once in awhile.
"welcome to the world of administrative excellence!" *dingding* sad fact. but true... in my shoes that is. i dunno about you...but it's quite true for me. it takes up quite a big portion doesn't it? other than the interminable's more of the warrior, holding her phone on 1 hand, and her laptop on e other - 2 must-haves for us.
what do we do? more of policy making. we churn out reports, proposals, minutes...obtain statistics through all possible channels (online, on prints, other divisions/ agencies etc.), call to "cho cho" (tis is a term widely used in my division. putting it simply, it means "rush") people for upgrades, create powerpoints, and non-stop email-ings. in times of manpower shortages, we do others too. (e.g. ushering "big fellows" to their meeting rooms) so can say, it's BKL. (bao ka liao. haa.)
adding on, the thing is, wat we do, we don't see e actualized results till many years down the road? but well, hopefully my water safety will kick-off fast, so i can go down to the ground to execute it. *looking 4ward*. so far, i'm still on 4th gear...adjusting my pace to e right speed. am starting to like a couple of them. (:
just got notified today that a couple of us will be going to another agency for a 1-2 weeks attachment - some sort of an orientation to get to now our stat. board better. *hope it'll b gd* we will stagger our attachments though, so our division won't b warrior-less. lols.
i tink i've mentioned to a few of u about tis. but 4 the others whom i've nt goes. we have tis monthly healthy-lifestyle outing (you can also call it a "monthly division bonding session") where we normally go out to keep fit...ha. healthy lifestyle mah. i heard they have played tennis, basketball and some others on previous sessions. but tis time, guess what? it's ktv & pool. goodness. wahahaa. super healthy right? i think so too! i wonder how it'll b like. wonder how they will sound like. haha. sekali all pros. whee! tis is sth similar to what our dear pfmq's having too at her work station. btw, she's dragon-boating end of tis month! *whistles* pfmq's lifestyle is happening wor!...with more sunny days. & more starry nights. haha.
okay. enough of my ramblings on work-related stuff. ;P
~ though i may not have a religion to speak of, i will pray for you my dear fren. i'll pray to the gods who can hear me...i'll pray for your ah-gong's op. tml. everything will be just fine. it will be. okay? *big hugs* ~
^ and to you (you were family to me, and you still are.) whose ah-gong jus passed away. be strong ya? i know it's hard on you especially since you just returned fr your job trip. missed ya for the 1 month you were away. *big big big hugs* what to do, this is life. i guess we all have to learn to accept this harsh reality sometime in our lives. ^
1 of my colleagues mentioned that he had went through 4 main facets of life...(fren got married, fren got baby, fren got divorced, and fren died) and he's only 30 tis year. sad to hear ya? sigh. such things r really beyond our control... & i guess the best we can do, is to live life like there's no tomorrow! ponder awhile b4 you start shouting back at ur mama. ponder awhile b4 you start saying unretrievable stuffs you don't really mean. ponder awhile, space out if need be, and identify the selected few you hope can b by your side if it's dooms day tml. treasure them. & cherish them. make them smile. you don't have to specially do sth for them. just remember's 100% true for those who really love you - when you are happy, they are happy.
(tis is an add-on fr the next morning...)
I did not sleep well last night. I felt bad. I felt very bad. felt bad to the one who carried me 9 months in her womb. i don't think she'll see this...but it's just sth cooped within me tt i jus wanna type it out tis morn. wrote it down last night. now i'm typing. details aside. i shall give her a big hug ltr b4 i go to work. ;) GOOD DAY! "It'll be a GR8 DAY!" i always tell myself tt on my way to work. tink happy thoughts, & u'll b happy...if not - happier.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
A movie widely talked about.
A movie on my to-watch list.
A movie which costs me Ten bucks.
Not up to mark. Just made it through the passing mark I felt.
No tears. But there was laughter on and off amidst the heart-wrenching scenes. The guy was funny. ha. ain't ez to be funny in this kinda show. Story of two...wasn't enough. Sensitive it has to be. I'm still disappointed on the whole.
A line which caught my attn in the show, "Pain is good. Pain is your friend. If you feel pain, it means you are alive". I remember I scalded my right foot badly when I was in year 1. And I felt like my foot was practically on fire. 1 word to describe - Pain. Then my fren told me this statement too on the way to NUH.
as usual, it tops it all. ;)
Ten bucks. But it was all for a good cause.
Some NUS hall charity screening to raise money for a cambodia expedition.
Monday, October 09, 2006

"Come Tiger, say Hiiiii~"
aww... he's jus 5 months old. shoo cute right?

& here's Gorgeous Vodka! Guess how old she is??
...4 yrs old! Pretty!! Her fur's amazingly smooth too.
I lurve her furrr!!!

"Let's shake hand & be frens!!" haaa.
dear Tiger came along looking jealous!
aww...i love u both as much!
(wahhaa. yahh...i CAN read their minds)
Elv, you'll love them!! They're soo tame and lovable! No barks. No bites. No angry stares. hahaha. They just lick ya with loads of love! (Erm...but Vodka's a lil' strange towards Dan. She especially likes to sneeze at him!! I wonder why!! lols) whee! ya lah, they do come near you...but ain't hyper type. Very gentle. Very docile. aww... I would love to bring them home!!!! =(
Met these lovely pups during our "painful" wakeboard session yesterday @ Punggol Marina. The usual suspects who went - Dan, Siwei & yours truly! Calling 4 ALL marketeers!! Come join us!! Healthy Lifestyle!~* Haa. Okay. Notice I stated "painful" wakeboard session?
It's because I had my HARDEST FALL yesterday...outta all 3 times. This time, I flew outta my board, and came crashing down onto the sea. *GONG* Concussion? Yes. for awhile. Pain. Dan can understand my pain. Never had my feet left the board when I wakeboard. This was the first time. Arr. cause i kept trying to move in and out of the waves. Wanted to do it at least once for both sides...but alas. failed. I tried to challenge my limits. But I succumbed to those red palms of mine. It must be due to the haze - ha, yes... attribute everything to the horrid haze.
But i had FUN! No regrets whatsoever. =)) In fact, I wanted MORE. wahaha. We are gonna try to schedule a wakeboard session every month! - After Payday! Though it was just the 3 of us yesterday, company was already awesome I felt. It's the quality rather than quantity that matters most - & that's very true.
Okay. since I'm already blogging. Let's backtrack a lil' & yada about Friday! Friday was Mooncake Festival - the 15th day of the 8th Month on the Chinese Calender. & supposedly on that fateful night, the moon should b roundest and brightest. But guess what? After 9+pm, the moon couldn't be seen at all!! *gasps* Yaa. it was covered by the haze. Though that may b considered the only "spoiler" of the night, my night was not even near being spoilt!
On my drive back to NTU, I was filled with past memories. The route. The route which I used to take every now and then. The route all the way to ulu boonlay. I enjoyed every moment of my drive. Haa, and I KTV-ed all the way as usual. lols. (that happens when I'm alone)
When I exited pioneer rd, and saw the entrance to NTU...I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness. Really. & it grew as I continued to drive in!! To my surprise, I was really really happy to be back in ulu town. And thanks to the stupid haze. It created this fantasy effect, as though I was in a dream. In a dream, back in school, eating lajiaofan & mooncakes...drinking ah-fang's ice lemon tea (which i sooo missed)...playing sparklers & lanterns..chatting happily with my bunch of marketeers. Absolutely splendid!! Wooo! Angel came on to webcam with us too!! If only Elv n gang were still ard.
It was real. But felt so much like a dream. I wonder when we'll have another chance to return to old NTu together. I'm sure we will. But I wonder when. Soo, I especially cherished e times we had on Fri nite. Though things are no longer the same, (i.e. buildings are no longer where they used to be, us going back with a different status, People came & left. Meanings no longer there.), I still feel alot for that place. Big Thanks to Jingsi for letting us stayover at her sis's hall! haaa, and thanks dearie for letting me sleep till the sun set. *muackz* Hope we din't mess up the plc too much. lols.
Oh yes. Mood's a little changed when I tink about tis. I was so pissed on my way back fr work earlier. As usual, I was travelling along PIE back to Changi. I was on the 2nd lane, & I realized this Stupid Yellow-Blue Van tail-gating me. Woah. He was darn close I tell you. Really reeaaally close. I couldn't move any faster, because that's the max. I could go. And I din't want to go too near to the car in front. I had to keep a minimum distance at least. And to my right and left, there aren't any space for me to change lane. So, I was ultra pissed and helpless. I was literally cursing that stupid van in my car. Luckily nth happened, and i managed to change lane in the end. I hate tail-gaters! & furthermore, if you wanna travel soo fast, you jolly well move to the 1st lane! & it's not as if there was much spc btw me n the vehicle in front of me to begin with. I was sooooo angry, that I registered his carplate in my mind. GX933Z. GRRrrr.
Okay. Cooool down. Not worth letting this ass spoil my nite. Actually I'm no longer pissed, haaa. I cool down fast that's why. No matter how major the thing is, and how angry I get, I cool down real fast. But don't take this as a chance to bully me ah. or make me angry. hahhaa. you neverrrrr know what may happen. lols.
A looong post tonight. Pics shall be posted soon!~*
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Thanks for loving me so much. For always putting me b4 you.
Though I always make your blood boil. =P Love ya!~*
I just finished watching the 2nd Episode of WONDERFUL LIFE. 1 Episode a night...that's my plan. Haa, very disciplined hor? very proud of myself too. If it was in the past, I'll sure chiong it within a few nights.
but now, impossible. firstly, my eyes would be half-closed by the end of 1 episode. 2ndly, i'll be so zombish the next day at work. And thereafter, i'll be fried alive, and you most prob. won't see me @ Toa Payoh Lor1 aldy. Lols.
Anyway, the main lead's really too white!! Oh man, someone shine some light on him! But he was really quite charming yesterday when he was up flying the plane. Pilots. Whee. Cute lah. But not mua type =P.
Today, I went thru the longest meeting ever since I started work. The bloody meeting lasted a near 4 hours lo!!! wahh. no joke. Once every month. Puke bloood. First time seeing him fr such close proximity. Not hunkish, but attractive...intellectually, and looks-wise. lols. No wonder he's our poster boy.
I said i'll blog abt you tonight, but i tink i'll be nice n let ya off tonight k? Shall attempt to accumulate more good karma. so that i'll be more blessed. hopefully. hahaa. & now you have an eg. of how G you are. lols. ;)
Hazy Singapore. True enough, the haze was caused by land and forest fires in Sumatra. It's real bad...& news today quoted that PSI is at its highest level this year - 73. Seems like it's not gonna get better till awhile later. In need of FresHHhHHH air.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Jus caught the 1st episode of tis new korean drama which my cousin passed me. & I found it to be not bad!! haaa, cute & funny! with pretty actors - but the guy's a little too boyish & white i felt. haa. basically, the 1st espisode's just cute & funny. lols. more to be added after i watch a few more episodes k? =)) but for now, i have tis feeling tt it will be another 1 of those gd shows! it has gt tis pulling factor to make me wanna watch more. but sadly, not tonight...cos i've gotta put myself in bed to counter tml's battle! chiong ah! =P
The wakeboarding worldcup @ bedok reservoir earlier in the day was awesome!! wooo~* hunks & babes with great bods...& i especially find guys attractive when they wakeboard or do water sports. so stylish, filled with character!! lols. i arrived at abt 245pm, just in time for the finals. no Singaporeans though (expected), top few are all Americans. Specatular stunts! & the music was keeping us in the mood all the time. The only spoiler of the day, was the humidity!! arrr. if only someone can remove the humidity element here. btw, is there a forest fire ongoing?? the haze was quite bad at bedok reservoir!
1st's Children's Day! Haa, Happy Children's Day my dearrrs!!~* Always matter what age. yaaa?? Miss those days when we still have holidays on this day...!! How nice to be a kid all over again. the carefree life kids lead...i miss. wahhaa. okay lah, life's nt too bad as an adult too.
Had a good talk with Daddy dearest tt night. Though ignorant is bliss, it's good to be mentally prepared as well. The higher the hopes harboured, the higher the disappointment. So it's good to be prepped for it, so at least disappointments won't come crashing too hard then. Alas, just a month...maybe i'm thinking too much. As what lucky angel always say, Come What May! haa. I'm quoting you my dear. Miss you! I strive to start everyday anew with an open mind.
Oh yes, I wonder why, but a particular Miss Wee's tagboard just refuse to accept my tag. Hahaa, shows attitude just like her owner! 3 days!! have been trying since Friday nite, but to no avail. grr. Let me get it off my chest, & just leave my tag here alrighty? I bu gan xin...haha, die die wanna tag. here's to you,
"awwww...jus like the lyrics - 世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像个宝...~* 幸福的黄小姐!;)"
I think i woke up on the wrong side of my bed today. Had a bad backache for the entire day. =( I had a dream! But i can't remember what it was about. Some dreams, I remember them vividly. But some others, I just can't recall at all. Ever wondered why we have dreams when we sleep?
I once heard fr someone that we have dreams every night, just that we don't remember that we had one. Is it true? Maybe. But on my part, I don't think so leh. haha. because when I have a dream, I will know I had one. But whether or not I remember is another thing all together.
Dreams..I've had a wide spread. Stressful ones b4 major events i.e. syf band competitions in sec sch days, Ultra scary ones which wakes me up in tears (that was ultimate. 1 dream. i woke, and tears jus fell...uncontrollably), of cos not forgetting the many sweet & happy ones which i so wanna go back to sleep to continue the dream. hehe. I hope I'll have a sweet one tonight! =)
Good night!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
From the extraordinary long travel down to Bt Pasoh, the not being able to open the door to her building, heads-off a particular Raymond's crystal dog, parallel parking @ her 2nd last sms to me tonight which made me burst out laughing at like 12.13am??!! haha, thks 4 brightening up my gloomy monday gal!
Here's some photos we took @ Sammy's new office...
It's an ultra mini fridge cum radio!!
Couldya believe that???
It's the cutest fridge I've even seen to date!!!
*pokepokes* I wan....!!
Here we've gt our dear gal at her desk!
...with a special photograph on hand which I spied lying on her desk.
haaa, so sweet of u to put tt pic up! ;)
Tada, US.
I had a fantabulous time tonite...all thks to U my dear!
Missed you alot. More meet-ups to be fixed 4 sure!!!!~*