Sunday, July 23, 2006
So....why am i still up?
hoho...i stayed up late to chiong a jigsaw puzzle! it has been ages since i've last pieced a puzzle together...hmm. the last time was during uni. yr 1. haha. okay..doesn't seem that long...but it really feels like eons ago. I loveee fixing jigsaws when I was a kid! Actually, i still love to fix them!...but jus tt i lack the time i had when i was a kid to be able to fix them often now. I like the feeling of chionging a jigsaw...& the huge sense of satisfaction you get when you finally pieced every single piece of the jigsaw together! it kinda trains ur patience as well as determination level too. i rem. 1 of the jigsaws which i was most proud of was this one on taj's like the whole pic's purple and all...real challenging! but i like! haa. Due to space & money (puzzle frames are so ex.!) contraints, I would pack most of my puzzles back into their original boxes after fixing them up. Of cos i couldn't bear to destroy my heartwork...but its okay la...most impt thing is i've conquered them b4! - i feel =)
but somehow, though i'm considered quite patient when i was a kid...i lost my cool trying to master golf then. haha. perhaps more patient in certain stuffs, and not so in others. i used to learn golf with my bro when i was young...but gave up after awhile! why? because i was so pek chek with myself...basically...because i couldn't play for nuts la. So in a fit of anger, i gave it up totally! lols. In the end, everyone knows how to play except me. I lost interest in it totally. I only like driving the buggie! wahaha! until e recent uni days...sammmy tried to flip my interest in it & jio-ed me for golf. After turning my poor fren down a couple of times in the past, i decided to give this sport a 2nd chance & went golfing with miwachan & sammmy! haaa, & sammmy's officially our golf shifu! lols. pro is she man! hmm, and surprisingly, the feeling was nt too bad! & I think i'm beginning to like this sport!
Oh & did i mention tt I've sent my darling lappie for servicing? Sent it in i'm currently handicapped. I'm currently using daddy dearest's lappie to blog! lols. *yawnnns* I shall go catch some slp b4 my entire face's filled with pimples!!!!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Oh yes! It was my first time setting foot in our very own public golf course yesterday! It's called the Marina Bay Golf know the one that you see when you drive along ECP? It's way too distinct & huge to be overlooked. But don't you wonder at all HOW to get there? Haaa, I always see it when I drive along ECP, but there seems to be no through road that will lead us there. It's like "Pooff" & it's there. SO, we decided to unravel this mystery!!! & viola! we found IT! 1st, you gotta exit Fort Rd...but you don't turn right to East turn left towards dunman high sch...continue towards pebble way! & all the way in.......! Yes, it's there! ulu like nothing! We discovered the place in the afternoon, and went back in the night to have a swing @ the range!! N...surprisingly, I was quite happy with my shots! wahaha! Considering tt i'm an amateur la! hoho!! Nt counting in the times I played with my miniature set when I was young, it was my 2nd time playing! First time was with miwa & sammy at Orchid~* Haa, now it's clearer to me why golf's known to all as an old man's game. You really need the patience to be able to excel in this game man! If not, you sure are gonna burst a vessel or sth, or throw the club down the range, or bang your head into the nearest wall. haha, patience, patience & more patience...! & of cos...staying focus is a must must. As usual, daddy's on form! Pics shall come sooon.
*relieved & contented*
-I wish for all my dearr ones to be happy & healthy, & live to a ripe age of 100!-
Sunday, July 09, 2006

There has been a continuous inflow of durians into mua tummy these few days... Goshh are they sinful!!...caRBOOO-attaCK! but heck! Eat first then see... =P
1st were those specially delivered by our dear Miss Fong on Wed~ So thoughtful of her! A pity she couldn't join us to chiong the match! But you were not forgotten my dear! =))
2nd were 6 boxes of durians ordered by mua parents! Gosh...! & we had tt for dinner!! not all 6 boxes lah! abt. 3!!!! damn filling & rich!! Mua's so contented!! haha...
3rd was a box sent over by my dearest Auntie Eve! She bought them in M'sia during her short trip~ whee!
TADA! Durian feast to mark the start of our Singapore Food Fest!~* =))
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Kudos to Qi Yuwu & Ivy Lee for their A* acting~*!!
On the other hand, Jeanette Aw definitely needs to attend more acting classes...~ =P Wasn't feelin' very well...armed with a bad headache...& feelin' all hot in the inside... So...I plunged into a deep sleep of 12hrs!
Awoke feelin' beta~
Hmm...i just got back from Orchard...
accompanied my mum there for a haircut...
Feelin' a little messed-up up there.
Thinking about my next destination.
So lost all of a sudden...arrrr.
On a lighter & more cheery note...
Remember the "something" that I said I'll post up?
Wellwellwellz, It's the seeing of the big red YOLK rising from the sea!!!!!
I've always wanted to personally witness the rising of the sun...
how spectacular it is...
when the sky meets the sea...
and slowly see the big red yOLK filling up the sky!! BreathtakinG HUH?!!
But I guess fate just loves to play me around...
by the time we actually could SEE the was already halfway up.
How could we have missed it?? Was it the direction we were facing?
Was the sun hiding behind the clouds? Was it hiding from me??? Haa...ah.
BUT, all in wasn't a trip wasted!!
I was taken aback when I first saw the Sun while we were walking back to miwa's car. Haa...first, we heard screams of "the sun!! the suNN!" from the 3 girls in front...namely miwachan,miss lychee & jingsi! so cute right the 3 of them~ Elv and I were busy yekking & all behind...
& Gasps...It was really a nice view of the sun!
Really BIG (I dunno why!) & Red..with bits here & there hidden by the greens.
That was the only time I dreaded why Trees had to be grown.
I reeally appreciate the company of these 4 lovely ladies who stayed on with me to sun-watch despite being all shagged out mentally & physcially after chionging the Germany Vs Italy match!
Thanks dearrs!! =))
Here's some lovely pics to end off with...

*~From L to R: Liqi, Miwa,Me & Jingsi~*
& that's us @ Bedok Jetty at the break of dawn!

*~Me & Elv~*
Us taking a self-shot while awaiting the sun to rise~

*~From L to R: Liqi,Jingsi,Elv & Me~*
Omigosh...It's bright aldy!!!! lols, but nice backdrop~

*~Solo Miwa~*
Nice shot!! I wonder who took it~
Capturing miwa dear deep in thoughts...

& Tada!! THE SUN!!
As there was no through road for us to carry on walking towards the partially-covered sun, Miss Chan specially made a drive further in to let us all have a clearer & closer view! How sweet! (:
Somehow, I loved it more the first time i saw it while we were walking back to Miwadear's was bigger & blood red & more WOW-ed!!!
Haa..can't've gotta see it! Gals, do you tink so too???

*~From L to R: Miwa,Liqi,Elv & Jingsi~*
Pictures to mark this special moment we've all been waiting for!
(actually i tink it's jus me..lols. love them loads!)

*~From L to R: Liqi,Elv,Jingsi & Me~*
Voila! A great way to end our chiong-ing through the night.
We jogged...
We ball-watched...
We sun-watched!!~ =)
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Dawn's a great pal I made during my TK days!
Tis gal's always geared up in smiles to liven up watever situation!
We've been classmates ALL the way...
from 1/4, 2/4, 3/6 all the way to 4/6!
I really miss those times man!!!
Those crazy times in TK & the 3 yrs in NTU were the best times in my life~
Stay sweeet & happy my dear!
Cheers to our many many years of frenship to come!!!
Caused a whirlwind to occur
But this was followed up by
An unexpected sense of relief
Everything on the exterior looks intact
But that's all what remains
I chose to walk through with style
Bye there Stranger...
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Well, so what have I been doing with so much time in hand? Ha, but time is never enough. When you have more time, you’ll tend to be more relaxed…& too relaxed at times! That’s what happened to me. Hmm…I’ve been going for my regular piano lessons twice weekly, meeting up with 2/4 gang (my dear tkgers!) for chitchat & ktv sessions, trying to drag myself up early for gym-ing sessions with my brother (note the word: trying. ha, only gone once so far!), pumping my tummy with terribly good food (shoo sinful lah. But think again, good food’s always sinful…yeah? *lols*), a thorough “revamp” of my room (phew! finally done after a week?!), Ball-watching with bro & his gang of frens… yeah that’s a life of mine for the past weeks.
Went down to Suntec after piano to meet the girls for ktv & a drink @ the HK café in marina sq. The attendance was wow…top of all! Haaa, the usual girls…Dawn, Qing, Infant, Bessy & Marisa. But this time round, Qiuluan & Suat came too! I haven’t seen them for a really long time…so it’s like…ohmigosh! Girls really change a lot after sec sch don’t they? Especially Suat! All’s so pretty now…with makeup, long re-bonded hair, smart office attires…haha. All in all, the company’s great!
Not to forget, Big thanks to you all for the lovely gift! I like it a lot! & I’ll wear it for sure!!! & Dawn (the most heartful 1 of our gang)!! Thanks!! Haa…the coffee chocs were awesome! Coffee beans coated with dark chocolate…woooo…yums! Have confidence in life my dear! Don’t take what others say to heart...they don’t mean it most of the time. & frankly, I think you’re doing really great! Keep that lovely smile on yah?? *hugs*
Sidetracking a lil’, there’s something which I’ve been wanting to do for a long long time, & I’ll do it this week! *for sure!* =) After I’ve done it…I’ll post it up yah? (:
Oh yes! & guess what? I just cut my hair!! Yayy!
But many (like my cuz, mum, qing) felt that I shouldn't have cut my fringe THAT short. Haha..but i think it ain't THAT bad lah. I like my hair this way & I feel so comfortable without my not-long-yet-not-short fringe. My fringe had been sooo disturbing & irritating that I could stand it no more. Ugly ugly lor..wahaha. I was so pek chek that I NEARLY wanted to shave my head! haha! Erm...kidding! But you get my point lah har? SO on Sunday, I made a trip down to Supercuts @ Parkway & had my fringe snipped off till it's shooo short now!
Monday, July 31, 2006
1. My Convocation Ceremony in Ntu (26/07, Tuesday)
2. Our Convocation Ball @ Fullerton (29/07, Saturday)
No words are enough to express how I feel at this moment in time. So many thanks to make. So many wishes to say. So many misses already.
The convocation ball, two days ago, was a bLASt!!! A night of handsome dudes and gorgeous babes! (whee! whee!) Everyone was dressed for the event. There's this something which I must must mention on my blog. *Chuckles* It's about our very own DanielNg!! He was crowned the Man of the Night!!! Wahaha! Dan, you did us all proud! & I dread to say this but, boy did you dance well! There's always a first time...and then a second soon to come! Hahaa, next outing u'll dance for us!! Right right? lols.
Another muSt mention tdy would be...the creation of this very very lovely Ntumarket autograph book by our very own NgSiwei aka creative director aka professional photographer!!!! I was so surprised upon receiving it from him b4 the Ball commenced. *gAsps* KUDOS TO SIWEI!!!! Very very touched. Siwei, thanks for being so sweet & thoughtful all these while. Really. Though I have not mentioned to you as yet, but I do feel & appreciate all the things that you've done for our market...all these while without a single moan. I will treasure it & keep it safe from all moving creatures. & I believed I've told ya this b4...I love your SLR!!!!! Once again, thanks Siwei.