Today marked the start of 2 of our very dear marketeers’ first day of work. I wish the best for you gals!! Go Go Jia You!! It’s a new start & I’m sure it’s gonna be a great one! =) As for me, I’m still bumming around! But well, as you said… “good jobs are worth the wait”. Hopefully! =)
Well, so what have I been doing with so much time in hand? Ha, but time is never enough. When you have more time, you’ll tend to be more relaxed…& too relaxed at times! That’s what happened to me. Hmm…I’ve been going for my regular piano lessons twice weekly, meeting up with 2/4 gang (my dear tkgers!) for chitchat & ktv sessions, trying to drag myself up early for gym-ing sessions with my brother (note the word: trying. ha, only gone once so far!), pumping my tummy with terribly good food (shoo sinful lah. But think again, good food’s always sinful…yeah? *lols*), a thorough “revamp” of my room (phew! finally done after a week?!), Ball-watching with bro & his gang of frens… yeah that’s a life of mine for the past weeks.
Went down to Suntec after piano to meet the girls for ktv & a drink @ the HK café in marina sq. The attendance was wow…top of all! Haaa, the usual girls…Dawn, Qing, Infant, Bessy & Marisa. But this time round, Qiuluan & Suat came too! I haven’t seen them for a really long time…so it’s like…ohmigosh! Girls really change a lot after sec sch don’t they? Especially Suat! All’s so pretty now…with makeup, long re-bonded hair, smart office attires…haha. All in all, the company’s great!
Not to forget, Big thanks toyou allfor the lovely gift! I like it a lot! & I’ll wear it for sure!!! &Dawn(the most heartful 1 of our gang)!! Thanks!! Haa…the coffee chocs were awesome! Coffee beans coated with dark chocolate…woooo…yums! Have confidence in life my dear! Don’t take what others say to heart...they don’t mean it most of the time. & frankly, I think you’re doing really great! Keep that lovely smile on yah?? *hugs*
Sidetracking a lil’, there’s something which I’ve been wanting to do for a long long time, & I’ll do it this week! *for sure!* =) After I’ve done it…I’ll post it up yah? (:
Oh yes! & guess what? I just cut my hair!! Yayy! But many (like my cuz, mum, qing) felt that I shouldn't have cut my fringe THAT short. Haha..but i think it ain't THAT bad lah. I like my hair this way & I feel so comfortable without my not-long-yet-not-short fringe. My fringe had been sooo disturbing & irritating that I could stand it no more. Ugly ugly lor..wahaha. I was so pek chek that I NEARLY wanted to shave my head! haha! Erm...kidding! But you get my point lah har? SO on Sunday, I made a trip down to Supercuts @ Parkway & had my fringe snipped off till it's shooo short now!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Well, so what have I been doing with so much time in hand? Ha, but time is never enough. When you have more time, you’ll tend to be more relaxed…& too relaxed at times! That’s what happened to me. Hmm…I’ve been going for my regular piano lessons twice weekly, meeting up with 2/4 gang (my dear tkgers!) for chitchat & ktv sessions, trying to drag myself up early for gym-ing sessions with my brother (note the word: trying. ha, only gone once so far!), pumping my tummy with terribly good food (shoo sinful lah. But think again, good food’s always sinful…yeah? *lols*), a thorough “revamp” of my room (phew! finally done after a week?!), Ball-watching with bro & his gang of frens… yeah that’s a life of mine for the past weeks.
Went down to Suntec after piano to meet the girls for ktv & a drink @ the HK café in marina sq. The attendance was wow…top of all! Haaa, the usual girls…Dawn, Qing, Infant, Bessy & Marisa. But this time round, Qiuluan & Suat came too! I haven’t seen them for a really long time…so it’s like…ohmigosh! Girls really change a lot after sec sch don’t they? Especially Suat! All’s so pretty now…with makeup, long re-bonded hair, smart office attires…haha. All in all, the company’s great!
Not to forget, Big thanks to you all for the lovely gift! I like it a lot! & I’ll wear it for sure!!! & Dawn (the most heartful 1 of our gang)!! Thanks!! Haa…the coffee chocs were awesome! Coffee beans coated with dark chocolate…woooo…yums! Have confidence in life my dear! Don’t take what others say to heart...they don’t mean it most of the time. & frankly, I think you’re doing really great! Keep that lovely smile on yah?? *hugs*
Sidetracking a lil’, there’s something which I’ve been wanting to do for a long long time, & I’ll do it this week! *for sure!* =) After I’ve done it…I’ll post it up yah? (:
Oh yes! & guess what? I just cut my hair!! Yayy!
But many (like my cuz, mum, qing) felt that I shouldn't have cut my fringe THAT short. Haha..but i think it ain't THAT bad lah. I like my hair this way & I feel so comfortable without my not-long-yet-not-short fringe. My fringe had been sooo disturbing & irritating that I could stand it no more. Ugly ugly lor..wahaha. I was so pek chek that I NEARLY wanted to shave my head! haha! Erm...kidding! But you get my point lah har? SO on Sunday, I made a trip down to Supercuts @ Parkway & had my fringe snipped off till it's shooo short now!
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