Tuesday, June 20, 2006
LauGHed tiLL i peNG!
It has been a LONG LONG while since I've laughed soOO muCHH...
in a time span of JUST a FEW HOurs!!
AmazING!! & i'm SOOooooooooooooo Loving it!
“人生没有什么大不了的,只要厚脸皮就好了” - 就是这样没错!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
~ 非常疼爱我们俩兄妹,而且没偏爱任何一方。
~ 细心得让人感动不已。
他常常会做一些小小,但很贴心的举动。大部分,都是我们日常生活里都常常会疏忽的东西 - 尤其是我这个小糊涂。通常,都是在他不在家的时候,会为我们做的事情。所以呢,虽然很照顾,但也被他训练得都满独立的。(哈!我妈是例外。)还记得,有好几次在他出国公干前,他都会察看我车里的Cashcard有没有钱,Coupons 够不够用。。。Etc. 他在察看的时候,我都不懂耶。直到紧要关头,才发现老爸为我做的一切!
~ 是我的骄傲!
~ 是一个很坦率的人。
对不起,我今日没法送你一样 [我知道你收了,一定会很开心] 的礼物。对不起。
Friday, June 16, 2006
This song isn’t just purely any other song...
It’s an ALL-DAY SONG for Jingsi & me during our Europe trip.
We sing it when we’re 2gether…
All the time…
I mean ALL THE TIME! Haha! THe lyric's really sweet!
(Alright…a lil’ exaggerated…but it’s reeeeally close to ALL lah. *grinZ*)
Hmm let’s see…
We sing it when we’re…
walking along the streets,
waiting to catch the next tube,
on the Contiki Coach,
resting in our bunks,
next to each other!!!!
Lol! & there’s this indescribable joy in me whenever we start singing this song 2gether…Can’t really be explained in words, but it’s just like…your heart feels this sweetness which doesn’t seem to reduce no matter how many times the song has been played or sung, & the smile comes from within. witHIN. Not many songs can have this impact ya? I can't really remember how this song became our ALL-DAY song...but I do know that DAWN was the one who taught us the lyrics of the chorus! wahaha! we couldn't remember lah! Only could remember "Sarangheyo...zhiduinishuo....& a few more words here and there"! hAaa..! Kudos to Dawn!
Till now, this feelin’ hasn’t shifted.
& If you’re wondering…
Yes! This song’s on repeat mode in my playlist! *laughs*
I always have this number of songs which are on my playlist…& I play them infinitely for a phase of time till I slowly get sick of them & start playing a new list of songs. Hhaaa. But they won’t be kicked out forever…I do play them again once in awhile. & it still feels so goooood hearing them! I suppose many of us have songs which brings back particular memories of our life…be it a particular someone, a spectacular moment, a group of frens, happy events or even sad ones.
Music really does wonders doesn’t it.
Life would be really sad and dull without it.
Oh my, I’ve been babbling non-stop about just ONE song w/o realizing!!
Haha, since I’m at this topic…let me just continue blabbering about ONE MORE song??! LAlala~*, you’ve got no choice to protest! Haha!
Tada!! The song’s…
“No Tomorrow” By Orson!
This is our DAY-SONG during the 12-day Contiki tour!
Haa, there you go! 2 impactful songs for this trip!!
This song was on my repeat list together with 只对你说! I had a 2-song playlist btw. But now...it's a 1-song playlist! LOL. I dunno about you guys (wahhaa!!Europe gang...you guys get the joke ya?), but to me, I get sick of rock songs easier than soothing ones (take note: This scenario happens when the song is on my REPEAT-playlist. it plays whenever i on my lappie...over n over n over! =P) & as I felt it coming...I decided to do sth to avoid it! wahhaa! so I reduced the frequency of this song being played. For now, it's played once a day or once in 2 days! lol! But JJ's still gg strong...I guess the type of music affects too. But I like both as much!!)
There’s a total of about 50 of us (including our tour manager & bus-driver), & as we usually spend quite a huge amt. of our time traveling on the coach, our tour manager came up with this special Day-Song for us! It’s played twice every morning (encore will always be asked for w/o fail! So it’s TWO times! Haa), & the whole bus will be filled with our voices! We never never had enough of it! In fact, every1 gets real “HIGH” upon singing it! Haaa, the lyrics are kind of hard to grasp too if you just purely listened to it. We tried! We tried to write out the lyrics by listening to the song over and over and over again! Haha! & it took us quite some time. Credit goes to dear Jingsi cos she soo coincidentally has this song in her iRiver! So can you imagine? Imagine us, taking turns 2 by 2 to listen to the song over and over while jotting down the lyrics! We were really in love with the song! The song RAWKS! The Tour group raWKS too!
Here’s 2 short video clips of the scene in our coach when the song is being played!!!
(to have a better viewing experience with the music as well, you can click the stop sign on your I.E to stop the current JJ song from being played =P)
Haaa, ALL 7 of us were crazy over this song! (the whole tour was!)
But for JJ’s…it’s just me and jingsi! I think we drove Elv and the rest crazy whenever we sang the song! wahAHa! Thanks for bearing with us my lovely Europe ganG!! *MuacKS!*
P.s the pics areeee coming!~* =P
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
A lovely surprise which brightened my entire day...
thanks dear! *muacks* (:
feelin' a lil' dizzy right now...
*laughs* bcos I've been a good girl tonight,
diligently working on my piano theory
cum practicing pieces for tml's lesson.
(oh shit! did i mention I'm practicing bcos I have lessons tml?!! lol~!)
Haa, lessons aren't a torture lah!
In fact, I'm loving it more as the days past.
Just a teeny weeny bit of laziness in me, that's all. hahaha!
There's this particular someone...
whom I'm missing dearly...
not seeing him online these few nights,
seems weird somehow! Really.
BUT, tonight, he's officially a starhubber like mua!
Haaa, he has signed up for starhub cable modem...
So meaning???? Yesyes! He's soo gonna be back online!!!!!
This is for you! Don't say "chey" okie...
Haaa, I realized www.download.com has so many unfrenly programs which I tried but failed to use! This is like my...4th installation wor! Also cos I don't have macromedia with me as well...Cute anot?? Haha! Must say yes!
If you din't realize, it's a mixture of 3 pressies you gave to me on the day we left for Europe~
1. Small Pig 小Dan
2. Neck Pillow
3. Eye Mask
Ha, I brought ALL of them with me to Europe!
Considering the many hours of nap I took while I was on the coach & plane,
I think my neck would have long been broken w/o it!
How thoughtful can anyone be??!!
HE shocked me on the day I left.
HE shocked me even more the night before!
THanks for everything DAN...
Thanks for the lovely surprises here and there,
Thanks for accompanying me till the wee hours when I'm down,
Thanks for e amazing A0-Sized Poster which u have pain-stakingly put up! (TILL this moment, I'm still very much WOW-ED by it. I see it when I wake up, I see it before I sleep, I see it when I'm at my desk, I see it everytime I'm in my cosy lil' room. Somethings, you may get sick of after seeing like perhaps a 100 times? But this poster...even after seeing a gadzillion times, I definitely won't feel that way. Looking at each and every photo which you have painstakingly framed and shadowed brings back many precious memories. Haaa, you will be stunned by the amount of time I spend at home just purely admiring this amazing work of yours.)
Thanks for all the care & concern you've showered me with,
Thanks for being just the way you are!
The list goes on...so many so many thanks.
In fact, it has come to a point way beyond thanks...
He's everyone else's good buddy, but to me,
it's like god sent a 2nd brother down to me!
A very caring & loving one!

Thank You!! My bestesT fren I've made in NTU! =)
Sunday, June 11, 2006
I'm soooo not fated to see the sunrise! Stayed out with ntumarket till about 6am with intentions to catch the sunrise at East Coast. But, all of a sudden (while we were eating prata at selegie after ktv at 4+)...clouds started to fill the sky...and then it started to pour. What luck! Btw, it's still raining now...at like..8:15am?!! =( An unwavering rain we've got here.
But nevertheless, my night was well spent!! ktv was ge-reat!!!! I was truly impressed by several voices...wow! Din’t know that ntumarket has quite a number of vocal talents leh~* hohoho! As I’ve missed a number of ktv sessions with the big group, it was my 1st time hearing many of market's singers-to-be! HAaaa, we've got a lovely surprise bday sabo for our dear liqi too! Pooor gal was made to lick out specific nuts from a cup of wine filled with icecubes & many types of nuts...& this has to be done within a few seconds! if not, gotta drink as punishment. haa..tough indeed! but gal, tink you enjoyed the drinks too right? lol. whee!
I just devoured 2 slices of kaya toast!! & that's after eating cheese prata an hour ago? Haa, grow shall i! Lousy me couldn’t resist the temptation while seeing daddy dearest enjoy his breakfast! Argh…!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Is this the so-called jetlag?
Haa. Yes I guess,
but this ain't something new for me.
Sleeping at the weirdest hours like now,
has been so normal. Right Mr Ng?
Today started off well. But ended a lil' off-balanced.
Everything happens for a reason, & girl I do know the reason.
But i just keep thinking to myself, "IF ONLY i had...from the start..."
But no point brooding about it, thinking about it.
Facts are facts ya? Nodnods.
I'm just damn pissed with myself for not putting in my best these 3 years.
But i'm feeling better. after sleeping from 8.30 pm till about 2am?
I tend to sleep my troubles off, cry n sleep it off.
& it works...apparently.
I always think alot. think about this, think about that.
my mind's forever cluttered with thoughts.
positive ones as well as negative ones.
actually, more often than not, there are more negative ones.
im more of a pessimist actually...
A pessimist trying to be an optimist.
Anyway, this is just a random post.
I'm not clear-headed right now,
just penning down whatever comes to my mind.
I just returned back to good old Singapore last night.
It feels so good to be back! Really.
Not that I din't have fun in Europe,
in contrary, I had a fantabulous time there with the Europe gang!
It was a blast. So many happenings!
I shall post more about it real soon when the photos are up k? I promise!
I just missed home.
missed you peeps, missed my bed,
missed my lappie, missed my darlin boy,
missed mummy dearest's cooking,
missed everything but the weather.
I dread the humidity here.
Love the sun, but dread the humidity.
Oh yes, did I mention that my brother's back in Singapore too?
He was there at the airport to receive me last night!
I was soooo surprised to see him! totally overwhelmed!
Haaa, & he touched down @ 5am on the very same day as well!
I wasnt notified as it was meant to be a surprise for me, well, it really was!
a lovely one in fact! As I know he's taking summer modules,
I never tot he would be back early. But he's doing them online
(how cool can it be?!)...so there you go! He's baaaack!
It's 5.29am now as stated on my lappie.
What have I been doing since 2am?
Uploading pics from camera & phone, viewing them, arranging them..
till now, I'm still arranging them & bluetooth-ing pics frm my hp to lappie!
Haa, so can you imagine how many pictures I have?!
every single pic brings back so much memories!!
THE moments in my life...
All 6 of us will be meeting up tml to consolidate our pics!
wheeeeee! pics taken from my cam aldy makes up approx. 1000,
can u imagine the consolidated number from all?
To myself, to you.
I dont know how to break this piece of news to you,
& I have not - yet.
Though I could see this coming,
I still had problems juggling with the impact.
It wasnt just a small nudge, but a forceful push.
& all in all, I have only myself to blame.
Success sure doesnt come in a split second,
you have to work hard for it. & along with it,
consistency & prioritising tops it all.
that's whats lacking.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Happy 22nd Birthday PING!!!
I've known this dearie of mine since J1 in Temasek.
She's the sweetest fren anyone can have, really.
& she's the best fren I've made in JC.
A fren whom will go all out for you, even if it means sacrificing herself.
Though I have many frens, she's one of the FEW close to my heart.
As what people say…患难见真情。Thanks dear!! =)
I love ya!!!

Those were the days: A pic taken few years back in Pasir Ris Park
(Birthday gal's on my extreme right)
Thursday, June 22, 2006
This is so delayed...
16 days since I've been back!
but well, when the mood's right,
& everything blends in just right too..
it's TIME to yek about my recent Europe trip with the other 6 marketeers!
Namely...Dawn, Ade, Jingsi, Elv, Karen & Andy! (:
Most of you guys would have heard allll abt the trip by now...
but no harm listening again ya? =P HAa!
Let's see...
A total of 18 days spent in Europe on the whole...
1st 12 days were with Contiki Tour Group,
& our last 5 days were free days spent in England!
For those who have not heard of "Contiki"...
it's a tour organization, which brings together travellers of ages 18-35 from all over the globe! It's a wonderful experience out of the norm. -
which will be filled just with Singaporeans. (Boring!)
Together with the travellers (there's a total of 48 of us!),
a tour manager & tour bus-driver will be with you for the entire journey~
Ha omigosh, am I advertising for them?
wellwellwell, It was a splendid experience! Really!
But if I were to tour Europe again in the future (Hopefuly! Prays hard! ha~*),
I would definitely choose to go OTOT on my own!
The country-hopping madness is too crazy for me! WahhAa!
Travelling really helps in all ways possible...
A breather which I so badly need then!
though our first 12 days were fast and furious,
they were awesome!
We "touched" , Amsterdam, Rhine Valley, Munich, Austrian Tyrol,
Venice, Rome, Florence, Lucern & Paris with Contiki~*
& amongst our last 5 days...
our 1st 2 days were spent outta London (Bath & Stratford-upon-Avon),
while the last 3 were in London!
All in ALL, I reaaally loved Europe!
Okay, before you guys fall asleep while reading..
Let's... check out some Lovely Shots of the Tour!!!!
Tis is e backpack which accompanied me for 18 days!
Haa...speciaL thanks to Guoxing for lending me his 'precious'!
[on the tube to our hotel]
Me & Elv in the middle of the i-forgot-what square in Central Amsterdam! =)
Bikes, Bikes & more bikes in this city! More than the people even!
[Netherlands - Amsterdam]
This is where Ann Frank & her family hid from the Nazis during WWII.
It's located just by the Amsterdam Canal~
[Netherlands - Amsterdam]
What do us gals do while in the queue waiting to enter Ann Frank's hse?
- Take pictures la! Hohoho~*
[Netherlands - Amsterdam]
Here we are in the famous beerhall of Munich! - Hofbraufaus!
Germans love beeeeeer! & though I don't go for beer, their beers are really nice!
Oh yes, not to forget their famous pork knuckles & pork steak too!
I never n-e-v-e-r tasted pork like how I did in Germany! It was soo tender that it tastes like beef! (Serious! Gasps!)
[Germany - Munich]
[Germany - Munich]
White Water Rafting in Austrian Tyrol!!!!
It was such an exhilarating experience! Loved it!!
An amazing 1 & 1/2 hours of rafting through a total of 12 rapids!
with breathtaking scenery to enjoy...wat more can i ask for?!
[Austrian Tyrol]
Up in the hills for a night!!!
I was SO AMAZED when Elv actually lifted me off the ground!! Hee!
[Austrian Tyrol]
Ade & Andy...My lovely room-mates for the entire trip!
A well-decorated cum cosy lil' room in the Tyrolean village~
[Austrian Tyrol]
What an un-glam pic of me!
But for the beautiful backdrop...It's UP on my blog! Ha!
I lurve Austria!! Outta all the countries,
if I gotta choose 1, just 1 favourite place...
it's gonna be Austria! (:
[Austrian Tyrol]
Ready, Get set....GOOOOO!!!
Love this shot!
[Austrian Tyrol]
At the dock: Heading towards Venice - e land of romance!
Heard that Venice is one of the places slowly sinking into the sea!
[Italy - Venice]
We've arrived at our destination!!
[Italy - Venice]
The Singapore-7 by the coast of venice!
[Italy - Venice]
The Colloseum: *Jaws Drop!* *Spectacular!!!*
I'm truly amazed by the skills of e roman engineers those days!
[Italy - Rome]
In the extremely loong queue to enter the Vatican Museum:
While we wait, we pose!
[Italy - Rome]

Ade is trying to hypnotise Dawn! (Ha, & yah she failed lah obviously. lol)
& me?!! Mua's just stealing the attention from them~ haha!
[Italy - Rome]
The mosaic floorings in the Vatican Museum~*
The walk in the Vatican Museum & The Sistine Chapel is absolutely intriguing!!
[Italy - Rome]
Our classic MTV Pose: Anytime, anywhere!
That's the actual pavement we're walking on!
[Italy - Rome]
The Roman Forum:
We walked from the Colloseum down to the take a look at the remains
of the enthralling Roman Forum which is on lower grounds.
I want more of rome!!!!
[Italy - Rome]
Nothing beats savouring delicious yummy Swiss Chocs that melts in your mouth!!
[Switzerland - Lucern]
Cruise in Lake Lucern:
We nearly got blown off the deck!
[Switzerland - Lucern]
Sweet! Love the spectacular views & breezy wind on board!
Definitely worth the price of 41 Swiss Franks! =P
[Switzerland - Lucern]
@ The Louve: Pyramid formation in front of e pyramid!
So immersed within the zillion art pieces in the Louve!!
Of cos, we got to see the ever-so-famous Mona Lisa!
Her facial expressions were really so scarily engaging!
[France - Paris]
Whee! Watch my flying-kick!
[France - Paris]
Pretty Eiffel backdrop!!!
[France - Paris]
Below the tower!
[France - Paris]
Notre Dame Cathedral!
Sucha mesmerizing gothic building!
[France - Paris]
It took us great pains & effort to pose for this shot wor!
Hor Elv?? Haaa, & i'm proud of it!! (:
[France - Paris]
Totally exhausted from the climbing of 284 steps up the Arc De Triomphe!
[France - Paris]
Top of Arc de Triomphe: Yes! We've made it!
All the energy lost in return for this captivating moment!
the glittering Eiffel tower is sooo pretty at night!
[France - Paris]
Tada! There you go! A preview of my Europe Trip!!!~*