so so SO excited!
I'm actually blogging from office today!
1st time wor!
How great is that!
Today's thursday...
tomorrow's friday...
and from then on...
office slave-no-more!
(for a year @ least lah...)
guess what?
I'm still v excited!
Smacked with a splendid surprise
tis morning when i reached office...
it really made my day!
wanna say...
love you soo much!
Even though I'm just a tiny intern,
my colleagues don't treat me as one,
especially my boss, KL!
They have been taking turns to treat me since tuesday...
& i feel so paiseh!
Though work may be frustrating @ times...
very indeed...
I will miss them.
those sweeeet people in HLF!
Monday, June 27, 2005
Ha..this is my 3rd entry for the night!!!
Recent pics of some happenings in my life:
This was taken on father's day!
(or rather a day before the actual avoid the terrible crowd)
We dined @ e jap restaurant beside sky garden in Suntec...
the spread was absolutely marvellous!
abt a near 40 bucks per person...
buffet style...quite worthwhile!
Jim (my cousin) is my parent's kai zai (god-son).
He's a student-no-more!
Graduated with high achievements from NYU
& he's finally back in sg with his gf!
So here we are...
together celebrating Daddy's day!
Michelle (Jim's gf), Me & my Mum!

all of us witH e yummy spread!
delicious har?
u bet!
Next, this was taken last monday @ orchard party world!
Here's Jim, Michelle, Weiliang, Michael, Charlene, My brothEr & myselF!
We sang from 6-10 tt night~* Great time spent with you guys!!!
Do we look alike??
THE broThers!! (super close pals of my brother!)
Woohoo! this a pic was taken quite some time ago!
@ Weini's bday party!
Hor ade? eh?
lurve this bike! It's MINE!!!!
I'm so gonna steal it dan! =P
Victory Shots!!!
Haha...this pics were taken in Hall 3 Computer Lab...
after successfully registering for the slots which we wanted!
Oh yes, look @ what I've got here with me!
A hand-drawn pic of myself!
Thanks siwei for this very sweet personalized gift!
Sorry tt I wasn't able to make it for ur bday party tt day!
Dan, Me & Ade!
Yes! =P 3 happy lil' kids taking self-shots!!!!
Til we next meet !
Take good care ya boonlay-ers! =)
Good Nitez!
but coincidentally, my geocities is on strike!
It's okay It's Okay!
Relax...The internet is always against me anyway. loL...
It has been quite some time since I have had some time of my own...
to sit down quietly in front of my lappie...
not having to do, think or worry about anything in particular.
(listening to JJ's 江南 over & over again tonight. I love this song!)
Before I know it...
PA is ending...
This week's the final week for me @ HLF.
Happy or Sad?
Hmm.. Mixed.
Din't sleep @ all on friday...
because there were really too many things to prepare before the event on saturday...
No more lettuce or tunips for me for @ least a yr man! *laughs*
Strange how I look better w/o any sleep! Haha..
Challenge Your Limits...
Then Strangers...
Now friends...
It's amazing how much a bunch of individuals can come up with.
@ the end of the day,
thinking back of the countless hours,
efforts & sacrifices made by every single one of us,
was worthwhile!
"True satisfaction in life is doing what others say you cannot"
I truly agree with this statement.
Setbacks, setbacks & more setbacks.
This is what we encountered along our way of preparation for THE day.
but it's awesome how we proved many wrong and made this event a total success!
25th June 2005 is a day which I'll never forget.
The day we all officially became world record holders!
& breakers-to-be! =)
Friday, June 10, 2005
How come?
Poor me got a very bad swollen eye when I got up from bed this morning!
Hey wait! It's not the usual eye peeling that I get from rubbing my eyes!
It's worse.
My right eye especially.
Somebody should just see the expression on my face when I looked into the mirror as per norm. this morning!
I totally freaked out!
Basically because I looked like a monster!!!
Thus wasn't able to turn up for work today.
Doctor said it was acute eczema! acute leh.
haha..directly quoted from him...
but it aint thaaat serious lah!
He was just trying to scare me...
Erm. I think I haven't explained how the allergy came about have I?
From Chanel make-up products!
Yest. I went for this make-up workshop with my mum after work,
Everything was great!
The service, the place, the people, the products!
They even put on some eyeshadow, eye liner for me too.
And guess what's next....
Yes yes... ugly fat swollen eyes in the morning!
Sobz! :(
Eyes are sooo delicate I tell you.
Once it's whole system just goes hay-wire.
My eyes
needs loooooots of tender loving care!
I was thinking to myself last night, "how cool would it be to have a make-up corner like one of these (below) in my dream room next time! Hhaha...then I could doll up myself everyday with different colour combinations!"
But definitely not any from chanel!
Undergoing a Bad-eye day...
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Busy, busy, busy @ work!
BUT I like it!
Ha...I like the thrill of being occupied high & low!
(do i sound insane?)
but that definitely beats having nth to do ya?
in my perspective~
Have had more exposure lately @ work.
Given more impt. tasks to do~*
(1) Gone out on a client visit with my other boss & 1 of his Marketing Executive.
She was from NTU too... graduated in the yr 2000!
Nice getting to know them! This case is one of financing A/R.
And guess what?
It was totally unbelievable how he introduced me as a new perm. staff to the client!
A new staff who hasn't got my name card printed.
This is because he wanted me to be the one liaising with the company.
He wanted me to have the hands-on experience in the entire process...
from the interview, getting of co. details, to the preparing of credit proposal.
I thank him so much for that!
I just heard from him today that he will be giving me another task - that would be slightly different...on housing loans.
(2) As 1 of our perm. staffs is on leave for 2 weeks...
I am helping out all 28 branches with the searches.
ROC searches, Bankruptcy searches & WOS searches!
This can fill up a whole big time of my day le lor!
How fast...this is already the 5th week of PA.
I've got to know a whole bunch of crazy colleagues! yekking with them during free-time here and there.
Even though they're all 10 to 15 yrs older...
we click quite well i must say!
loL! Is it me or wat? Am i old?
But luckily for me!
They make me my time @ work much more enjoyable!... =)
Life as an intern. is indeed turning from dead boring to interesting!
Went for HL Group's Family day @ Wild Wild Wet last Sunday (5th of June).
Had a fantabulous time with there with Keith!
The slides are fun!
Especially the "U-lahlah"!
That's the family ride - one that can accomodate a max. of 6 ppl on a float!
We practically laughed throughout the ride!!
Thinking back, only 1 stupid ride freaked the hell outta me!
Okay lah. It's not stupid..just that I'm freaked out!
It's the samsung one which is sooo identical to Viking!
Ha...But on the whole...
I had a geeeereat time!
Saturday was spent in sch this time round. Had a trial Popiah-making session with my comm. as this coming Saturday would be our 2nd session for CURL. We have to prepare ourselves to look more pro! so as to teach the volunteers on Sat! Haha...quite fun lah! It looked much more presentable as compared to the previous try-out!
Oh ya, before i log off.
I had dinner @ you2 ji4 duck rice once again today!
It's the one just opposite bugis m.o.s!
I ate there last thursday.
Finishing 5 whole saucers of chili!
The chili rawks!
Today I had 4!
So yummy!
So filling!
So So satisfied!
Took 2 neo-print cards today!
It has been such a long time since I've last took 1!
I can't help not smiling looking @ it!
Good nights diary!
Time really flies, donch ya think so?

Saturday, June 04, 2005
3 Cheers!!
J.I.T to replenish my terribly depleting bank a/c! *grinz*
Reached home late today.
Why does work seems to be piling even though it's the hols?
Oh man, I am so looking forward to 26th of June!
Ha, end of misery!
Gotta slp earlier & get enough rest.
Because I'm gonna brave thunder & storm to reach sch tml!
Good nigHtz dears!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Their Coffee Cream bun rocks I tell you!
(ha, even though it's er hem..fattening)
But how can anything taste so yummy & yet NOT @ all sinful???
Highy impossible man! *laughs*
For those who haven't tried it..
trust must try it someday!

What's so great about it?
It is super Fresh!
Crispy on the outside!
Soft & delicious (melted butter) on the inside!
In short:
It is simply irresistable!!

Here's a lil' news counter on it!
1) Rotiboy originated from M'sia in (1998)
2) Sell-out speciality - Coffee Cream Bun
3) 1st Shop front in Sg - China Square Food Court (2004)
4) $1.20 per bun
5) Tagline: One is never enough
Some look-alikes (Haven't tried them though~):
- Roti Mum (2004 Dec)
- Hero
- PappaRoti
Since we are in the FOOD topic tonight,
let's take a look @ some of the distinct food fads in Singapore for the past few yrs!
1998 Madeleine's Portuguese egg tart
1999 Australia's Renaldo apple strudel
2000 Homegrown-Breadtalk's pork floss buns
2001 Taiwan's bubble tea
2002 Japan's Beard Papa cream puffs ($2 each)
How about some of my fav.s?
- Roxy Laksa/Beef Kuay Tiao/Satay Bee hoon @ East Coast Food Center
- Puteri durian puffs along Tanjong Katong Road
- Tong Heng Egg tarts
- Renaldo's apple strudel
- Sugar Roll from Polar
- Muddy Mudpie from Coffee Club
- SMWE from Mcdonalds
- Banana Crumble from Swensens
- Mushroom Cheese Prata @ Fong Seng
- Peach tart/ Seafood Croissont from Deli
The list goes on..............
Jamie stop!
Get a grip!
I bet some1's gonna bang e wall after reading tis!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Chamomile Tea...
You are Chamomile Tea.
Your an original! Helpful to anyone in need and
always willing to lend a hand, you take action
but not through violence, people listen to you
for you have a knack for giving wonderful
advice! Many look up to you and you try your
best not to let them down. You have many
friends steadfast or no who consider themselves
lucky to be near you. You may have been hurt in
the past but you dont let that stand in your
way! You have a wonderful outlook on life and
try to see the good in people which is an
awesome gift!
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
brought to you by Quizilla
Came across this quiz while reading dan's blog!
Ha...just curious to find out what tea symbolises me!