Monday, January 29, 2007
Thanks for pulling me outta this pit-hole.
Though unknowingly, it was incredibly effective - allowing light to shine through.
I just hope it ain't gonna be the usual 1-day-long thing.
I hope this light lasts. *cross fingers*
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I'm positively sure I'll be missing the National Stadium quite a fair bit after mid-year - when it's time for the demolishing.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Not tt I dread my work, but it's jus the coincidental clashes tt crashes me. Loads to do...fret about. stress about. Till even my Sunday's burnt. Alright, thank god I had a great Sat. ;)
Today's the same. Eyes stared till I see things in threes.
& I reckon it's time to get a back support too. haha.
My bone's not very strong, depite loving milk. ;P
Against all odds...
I managed to stay alive within. with a smile. :)
*cough cough* have been coughing badly tonight.
come on. stop gal stop. stop!
To the one whom only reached home at 8.30pm: You take good care alrighty? *loves* (:
AH. Just received Dawn's response! BON VOYAGE DAWN!!!!!!!! ;) All the best k! I'm sure you'll do us proud in S.Africa! (I wanna go too!) Dawn's heading down to S.Africa in a few hours time to do the nation proud! & She's representing Singapore in a touch-rugby worldcup!!!
Awfully cool right? GO Dawn!!! *WHOOSH*
Friday, January 12, 2007
how abt a cheery day of sunshine tomorrow? *hopes*
I have tis urge to go for a run/swim tomorrow!
so pls pls don't rain k? ;) Let me try to be healthy!
Went to my bestest girlfriend's grandma's wake earlier. Life's really...volatile. I always feel matter how hard one tries, one can never be able to pre-empt what's gonna happen the very next minute, neither can one ever be prepared enough to face it bravely when it happens.
Sad fact, but true.
That's life, and we've got to learn to accept it. These are all phases that everyone will go through, sooner or later. I've said to 2 close ones whom I have a special bond with, cherisssshhhh ME! ha, before you regret. ya? ;)
She knew me in and out. & I guess it's vice versa too.
It's ironically queer how coincidental things can get...
but I totally felt the sadness she was feeling. No amt. lesser in fact. Tried my best to keep my cool, but alas, I failed. *Hugs*
May they both RIP.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Pictures of the final KTV in 2006 with Ms Fong, Ms Wee & Mr Ng!
Super honoured that Ms Fong actually was ONZ about this KTV! ;)

1st thing we did wasn't to select a song to sing.
neither was it to order drinks of any sort.
wahaha. what did we do??
Bingo!!! We took this photo of ourselves!! Haha.

Ms Fong, Me & Ms Wee.
Squeeze them left, right.

I love this shot.
It's my hp wallpaper now btw. (:
& don't you think hair messed-up is darn stylo??!!
esp. hair messed-up by yours truly! *giggles*

Ms Fong & Me.

Me & Ms Wee.

Me & Mr Ng, with our lunch-boxes.
Oh! & He has finally arrived. Lols.

To end it all: Us 3 again!
Girls are girls ya? ha, cam-whoring's our forte!
30th Dec 2006.
We laughed. We sang. We ate. We fought - We nearly pulled the house down la!
Ha, but I really had an awfully fun time that day! :) I'm sure the rest will agree with me on that. Not forgetting to mention, Ms Fong's canto songs really rawk! I love to hear her sing. Pls sing to me more. Ha. For those who haven't heard her, you really shd hear her sing! Other than being a tad soft...cause she's shy (as if! haha), she can really sing well! *cough coughs* [Exclusive videos taken...for a particular Angel. Haa, for those who wanna hear/see Ms've gotta approach the star herself! *runs far before she comes after me*
& as discussed, MORE KTV sessions to come! *winks*
Met 2 dear ones for dinner today. Korean food was yummy.
Most imptly, the company rawks. Thanks ladies. ;)
To the one whom has psychic powers: Thanks for the chocs! ;) Love 'em!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
From the moment I stepped out in the morning, till the moment I stepped back in the night.
"Was it a sign?", I thought to myself.
But even if it was, it came by too late.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Happenings of the day
+ Tennis-ed with the usual suspects in the morning! Scorching. But uber windy all-day. To the extent, my cap even got blown away! grr. Ha. All in all, I spied a lil' improvement! (:
+ Bak Kut Teh along Keppel Rd! Supposedly famous. Loves: the salty veg (A must-have for me during Bak Kut Teh feasts). Crispy you tiao! Pop it into your mouth after a dip in the soup...ahh. yummilicious! The soup?..e first taste was good I felt, but became just alright. Lao Zi Hao at Tiong Bahru still reigns at No. 1 for me. ;P
+ The rascals came, terrorized, and left. But very much lovable still.
+ Yesterday. Boyboy's bandaged. Cone-d. Heart breaks seeing him cone-d and all.
And yes, I haven't forgotten! (:
*** Happy 25th Birthday Mr Koh!! ***
Friday, January 05, 2007
Din't expect it. But I've got Mail!
Wanted to change a blogskin few days back. Selected aldy in fact. But shall adjourn that till the weekend.
Js/33: Welcome back to Singapore!!! Shall bug you for upgrades on the trip tml! (:
Angel: Great to hear fr you, await my response k! *hugs*
Oh no. I hear my bed calling for me.
Shall rest for the night. Bonne nuit!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Caught "Happy Birthday" with Ade, Fmq, Dawn & Gx.
Casts Louis Koo & Rene Liu. Sad love story - depicting the importance of each other's birthdays, and the birthday greetings that kept it going.
I was...a tad disappointed.
Hilarious moments, yes.
Pretty faces, yes too.
But, the standard-story-line...
with a so-expected cliche ending blemished it.
Nevertheless, tears did fell. quite abit and uncontrollably too.
Trigger points:
Scene 1: Girl's granny passes away. (thought of dear sis)
Scene 2: When the "unknown" was revealed (thought of my dear boy. the feelin' came back. hit me hard right at that spot. Birthdays too.)
Alas, it's just a movie. haha. Next on line would be...BABEL! - as reviewed by miwadear. Appealing!! (:
Quite a handful of movies I wanna catch. A couple to mention...Just follow law, Protege, Adrift, Once in a summer!
Tennis-ed today. Tennis-ed yesterday. Tennis-ed 3 days back.
It's so getting into me! Loves it. (:
Although it's just one day, I'm satisfied. re-charged. happy.