Headed UP to the north for a celebration with Student for successfully clinching his driving license!!! So where did we go??? Went to the famours mouth-watering prata in the nortH!!
The Casuarina!! (:

I tot Ah Fang's banana prata was considered huge aldy! But just look at this!!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
"Eat your bread already?"
"Ah..Haven..", quickly grabbed the bread on the table and rushed into room to take some stuff.
"Orange Juice~"
Don't you find this familiar?? Mothers are all the same ya? Wahha..without my mum's naggings, I don't tink I will even bother to eat when I'm already in a rush~ Plus I'm worried that I may get stuck in e traffic jam (Which i didn't! thank god!) Anyway, I love my MOMMY! =)
Daddy will sound a lil' different..
"Have enough money???"
"Lemme check"
"You had better go, if not you will get caught in the jam~"
Then daddy helps me to put my stuffs into the car~ Both are soo sweet!
hohoho, grt being home!
Then we had tennis lesson! Finally resumed today!!! and guess wat??? I had problems writing down our names on a sheet of paper earlier on in the office, my hand trembles when I write!! miwaa, my turn!! =X ahhh! super unfit! wahahaa...cannot cannot! I must start exercising more!~* Great game overall!!! Taking into consideration of our looooooooooong pause in btw! haaa~!!!
Okieee..*screeeeeeams for gms tml!*
LuncH tiME!! =)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Spent a whole lot of time in orchard towers...waiting for that super inefficient guy to process our applications...*kick him!!* Kitkat-ing at the moment! I just bought 4 kitkats from Can 12 Provision Store! Ha, Auntie's so cool lor. So frenly! Somemore gave me her store tel. #. in case if I'm hungry later can call to check if she's still around! HOw sweet is thAT!!!! haha...! Anyway, Kitkats rawk!! =P
In a few more hours....what date is that? hohoho...
I shall rest awhile & resume GMS later!!! Gambatte!!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Season 2's finally up & showing! YAY!! =)
Wentworth Miller!!!!!
His mesmerising blue eyes just simply blows me away!
He's sho cute isn't he! ha! His ingenuity in the show is downright captivating I must say!
Story's about how Miller (Michael Scofield) lands himself in Fox River Prison to save his innocent brother (Lincoln Burrows) from death row in a month's time. Lincoln was being framed by some goshlyhigh authority (I won't say who...go watch! hohoho...) you never in the world would expect. It just leaves you craving nth but more after every episode~ You feel the way he feels, & breathe the way he breathes.
Intense! Exciting! Mind-boggling! Tragic! Awesome!
~A breath-taking thriller you ought not to miss~
*special thks to big brother! muacks~!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

<--- OUR LajiaofanS!!! =))
Wow! Donch they look DELICIOUS? hohoho... Glad Miwa & Elv liked it~ But their reactions weren't as elaborate as mine & the rest (our 1st-tryS back in e past)!
"Haha, let's take e evidence down for a special someone~*" hoho~

Time passed really fast.
From a table filled with food & drinks...
to a table spick & span with nth on it!
We couldn't bear to leave,
but the invisible stress hovering around was getting a lil' overwhelming. ha!
(e situation: people were standing ard, waiting for seats...while we were too 'IN' our topic that we conveniently chose nt to acknowledge their presence. *evil grinz*)
After being asked twice if we wanted to order more stuffs...we had to leave la.
It was really funny how we adjourned our exciting discussion from the dining table to miss chan's chev.~ & continued yekking for quite sometime...enjoying every single moment!
We started to get prettY high!! Is it the Carbon Monoxide? lol..no lah! We're still save n sound!
FUN time! =)) As dan said..we'll have more meetings in cars & bikes har!! haaa..!
A Shot NOT to be missed!!
*~Miwa, Ade, Dan, Me & Elvina ~*(from left to right)
Monday, March 20, 2006
tt I was too full to eat during dinner.
It was quite a long lunch...near 2 hrs!
& boy ish paramount's business thriving!
We actually had to wait!
In e past, they were always seats available....
I'm sO excited abt our Europe trip!
Hope everything goes along well! =))
Guess what I was doing 1/2 hour ago? meaning..about 1am.
I was happily savouring the remaining choco-mint chip ice-cream in e big tub!
I shall cast weight-gaining aside,
& tink abt it another day! lol.
Ice-cream & chocolates just somehow make me happier!
no matter how bad my day is..
(not saying tt today was bad! in fact, it was gd!)
Haha, I was just hungry!
& you know la..a hungry man is an angry man!!
wahaha...well, though i don't get angry nowadays already
(in e past, i seriously do get........ok, not angry...but frustrated! lol)...
food jus ain't top priority after some things happen,
but it's still important la!
Am trying to love myself more! =)
Pamper myself more! =)
I shall go to bed earlier tonight! =)
*cross fingers* hope I don't rub my poor eyes tonight.
Most know, but for those who don't...
I always rub my eyes unconsciously when I'm in bed...
I have no recollection at all!... but people tell me!
People who sleep with me! (Wahaha sounds..er hm. but no lah! don't think too much.)
It's only when my eyes swell like nth the next morning,
that I know I rubbed my eyes.
That is totally disastrous.
Ppl will then start asking who boxed me the night b4. lol.
My dad even contemplated tying up my hands when I sleep.
It's THAT bad la.
God Bless me! =)
*shall post lajiaofan's pic up soon! lol.
blogspot just refuses to let me upload pics tdy la.
Monday, March 13, 2006
I'm so satisfied after eating a whole lot of stuff with Ping that I'm in such a cheery mood tonight!
*hoho* B4 tt I was nearly dying of hunger la..haaa...okie. abit exaggerating..but it's something along that line. In short, I was vvvvv hungry after the iBM talk! Ping shoo teng2 me, pei me eat even though she ate dinner le! *muacks*
Okay..let's see...what did I had for dinner?
LA JIAO JI FAN! (Chilli Chicken Rice) - My favourite!!!
I'm sure NTU hostelites know what's that har!
For those who don't, I highly recommend you guys to give it a try!
A MUST try for all chilli crab loversssssss! =P
It's just located outside NTU...for exact location, ask me! haa..
It's rice with chilli crab sauce!!!!
and you can choose from a variety of meat to go along with the rice...
E.g. Chicken, Beef, Pork etc etc.!
My personal favourite is chicken~
the deer meat is very nice too, and tender!
however, it costs more, i think $2 bucks more if I remember right.
So, chicken or beef is more worthwhile I feel.
So far, the frens whom i intro-ed this dish to,
ALL lurve it! *hohoho*
It's so ZAN4! but also quite sinful! lol.
& oh man, the BANANA PRATA is...
beyond description...
THUMBS UP!!!!!!!!!
After dinner, we went grocery shopping @ Prime Supermart.
Hoho...Chocolates + Icecream + Yakult + Darlie Colgate + Mo Far Gor!!
Indulging in all these sinful stuff....wahhAa...
NM! I shall make a point to go jogging sometime tis week.
Oh yea, I'll b in hall throughout the week...
unless some unforeseen circumstances suddenly pop by.
Yeah, if not, you can find mua in sch! =)
Okieeeeeeeeeeee! =P
I shall print b a gd gal, and start printing gms notes. lol.
& find some time to read them!
Sharks lor...
how do i do the past papers when I'm still LOST within GMS lectures?!?!?!!
God bless!
*i will try to sleep early tonight*
*will try*
Friday, March 10, 2006
I have fallen in love with "Gramophone" ever since a gd fren of mine brought me there. Lovely environment, huge genre of music, of which nearly all could be listened to in the store...wonderful indeed! This CD of Jean-Francois Maljean has an incredibly calming and soothing effect...awesome! great for bedtime too...like Kevin Kern. I wonder how long it will take to reach the standard of his.
Encountered problems uploading this file, too huge, therefore..click on the link below for a lil' preview! =)
Monday, March 06, 2006
Saturday, March 04, 2006
How could it happen! Furthermore, it's one of the CDs on my display shelf.. It's a cantonese song, titled "冰箱". Somehow, it just cannot be found online. tried all i could years back, til now, it's still the same. proven by pirate me.
Hmm, this album of his was released during my sec sch days. & I could remember the lyrics like at the back of my hand! =P I was like all over him (haha at tt time, for shooo long...), ..still remember those crazy days with qing & ping! qing especially...forgotten the number of times of our rollercoaster journey liao! If any of them actually reads this...hahaa..exciting & lovely memories of the young & crazy us!!!
at the end of the day...no song. =(
Friday, March 31, 2006
Mummy's Birthday on e 25th March
3 of Us!
Jim, Me, Michelle, Mummy & Daddy!
Chillin' out + cut cake~