Thursday, May 19, 2005
My dear fren just left for her summer programme in France tdy!
Haha..and guess what?
Yes! She was late again...
as usual!
11.40's the flight...
and our dear fren here reached just an hr earlier!
Lol...but she's really comical lor!
Entertaining & making us laugh non-stop!!
Cya back here in 6 weeks k!
Work was terrible. Slave of the day - that's me!
Don't havta elaborate har...sigh.
Friday is finally here man!!
But yet...weekend is gone for me! - gotta be in sch...
Haa...will cherish the 1 and only public holiday (coming monday) within this 8 weeks!
Cherios ppl!
Going to wash up & *pom* slp~
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Where? My little toes!!!
Only 2 days with covered pointed shoes
and that caused my misery.
lol...but i looked good!
(screams) haa...okok watever~
someone even threatened to kill me...
if I continue torturing myself with that shoe again tml!
Hee...I won't le lah! =P *grinz*
@ 10+am today, a hero risked his life...
sneaked out from DBS Tower II...
& walked all e way to Hong Leong Building ...
just to bring me plasters!!
How sweet is that!!!!!!
sooo shocked and touched to see him!
Cause it's like totally unexpected!!
This is 1 of the many sweet things he has surprised me with!
Hmm...what about work today?
Alrighty lorz.. My colleagues are very nice people...always there to share goodies with me! ha..i'm a pig lah..i admit it! hee....
My boss doesn't make me run errands...or do unnecessary stuffs just to keep me busy. Heng! She's very sweet, always trying her best to make me feel comfy & on the go. Had a 1-to-1 chat with the Branch Manager today...taught me stuffs and hands-on application on the credit proposal.
After tt...guess wat? paper cut!!!!!!!!!!! *ouch* while i was helping my colleague with some letter-folding...
all-in-all, it was okay!
Okay, terribly shagged,
& I'm gonna turn in for the night! =)
Good night diary!!
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Has been a week since our life has come to an end!
loL~* Okay lah...i shant make it sound soo bad. It is still alright so far...
just a lil' boring @ times for me..because work hasn't officially started yet.
What am i doing right now u might ask?
Readings, readings & more readings.
It all feels as if I'm doing a brand new module on "HDB Housing Loans" leh!
But luckily these informations are extra facts which are gonna come in useful too!!
When's my hands-on coming along???????
Be patient gal!
Looking forward to more trips outta office with my supervisor!! Had 1 last week which was quite enjoyable! OH..have i mentioned which co. I'm currently in yet? *laughs*
It's Hong Leong Finance....and I'm in e ever huge marketing dept.
Well..nth much to post about it as yet..just hoping that it will get better as e days past!
*keep fingers crossed*
*coughs* WoRK....
The time has finally come man..when you...
...start squeezing with the scary numbers heading for work on e MRT!..
...start waking up even earlier then e usual school days.. (and its EVERYday...!)
...joining long queues during lunch with e famous "tissue-choppers"
...start looking forward to lunch & oFf-office hours!!
...and start mix-ing around with the 30+ year old colleagues whom all have kids!
So far...the best I've heard would be the Unilever-ians!!! Enjoying & having ever-most interesting jobs to handle!! *Envy*
Oh yes, wanted to but didn't have access to blog this down on friday...Haha...Highlight of e week: Liqi's bday celeb. @ cartel! It was.... WOW!!!! Hahaa...grt food! grt turn-up! everything's coool! but pooooooooor gal..kenna sabo-ed until so chamz. Hee but what to do..once a yr!!! *muacks* & i'm sure every1 had lotsa fun tt night!
b4 i log off~ I wanna thank this special some1 who touched my heart...
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Hee..of course not forgetting the most loved one
- MY mother!
She's the one whom has...
...gone through so hard a time bringing 'notti-me' up... (*hee*)
...always been THE one by my side through my Ups & Downs...
...never ever had the slightest thought of forsaking me
...constantly & frequently nags non-stop much so.
Ha..but despite the unbearable naggings...
I do know how much she cares and loves me...
I love ya mum!
Me have been a lil' tired & lazy.
which is why I haven't been blogging much these days.
Yesterday was great...
even though I was extremely tired
(due to lack of sleep the previous night).
Haa..but all's fine!
Was very 乖 & slept early last night! =P
I so so badly wanna get a nice tan leh!!!!!!!!! :(
But why am I still 'white'!
Had a nice yet not-so-smooth time Kayak-ing
in Macritchie Reservoir yesterday...
my first time kayak-ing in a reservoir wor!
Not bad...just that the area we could kayak was a lil' restricted
as they blocked out some areas for intense school practices.
Wah! so fast & tml's the start of PA le...
Hmm...quite excited & looking forward to that!
Yet there's this 'worried-me' existing somewhere too.
All-in-all, hope it will be just fine!
Furthermore, we can have many meet-ups for lunch hor central-people!! =P
Just ONE thing that pulls all the excitment down.
I will havta wake up so early every morning!
for 5-days a week!
Oh well, Good training for lazy me too! ha
Friday, May 06, 2005
曾听说过爱情也像一堆糖果 令人有种甜丝丝的感?
也有人说爱情亦像一场堵搏 很靠运气
还有人说爱情只是一场游戏 不必在意结果 只要过程快乐精彩便可以了
但是酒多渴了伤身 糖果吃多了蛀牙 少赌怡情大赌乱性 勤有功嬉无益......
不知道~ 相信亦没有人知道
切记 请保重身体!"
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Feeling nostalgic all of a sudden.. miss those young & crazy days @ tk! Haha.
Having to stand super still @ 7.25 to sing the national anthem.
Having our very own classrooms to havock in.
Forever looking forward to recess & end-of-school bells.
Tkgssb combine in the MEP room.
The ever green pinafore days.
Imagine myself in that greeny uni. oh man... haha. Actually...It's not bad leh! I think we look good! - @ that time lah. when we were all 16. Time flies.. (machiam sound as if i'm an old woman already..loL)
I still remember that we were always on the run from the most feared MDM KHOO (To think i still remember her name...she must have been a nightmare to young & innocent me!)- our discipline mistress! haa..She was a retiree from the police & she treats us like criminals man! *cough coughs* Alright alright...grinz...we aren't the goody students also lah. Forever being caught for not having my belt in the slots. It was always underneath. There was this time whereby she totally shocked us by waiting in OUR toilet to catch students!! Could you believe it???
Those were the days.
I really do miss tk so much.
Here's some pics of our very owN supER-hiGH concErt in k-box parkway last night!
*laughs* :

Love ya girls.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
an hour earlier. (that's amazing!)
and guess what?
I just ate 2 pieces of "Ling Zhi Yuan Bak gwa"...
@ what time? 6+ am!!
Oh no! I'm so gonna inflate!
Here's a lil' list on what made my day yesterday?
1) My darlin brother's back in sg!
2) 9951 is coming in a few hrs!
3) Work is enjoyable w/o my boss! (*grinz* nt tt it is sad with her around..but its "bo zeng hu" you know? ha)
4) Watched "Shall We Dance" with my mum! wow..Richard Gere is awesomely charming!
5) had a heart-to-heart talk with some1 dear, my heart smiled from within & I felt really loved.
Off to work!