Sunday, September 18, 2005
Hope everything goes along well...
for you...& myself.
This is life...
& we have to move on...
be strong dear.
Some things to ponder about...
Do you believe in fate?
Do we really have a choice in every path we choose?
Or has it all along been pre-planned for us?
Scary har?
It really does sound scary.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Innovative packaging! - from Shangri-La Hotel
Snap shot 1!

Pretty eh?
Snap shot 2!

Snap shot 3!
I seriously have nth against guys in general..
but there r definitely few whom I simply dislike.
Those who think they are the...
best in town.
Especially the way they talk,
Totally BTH (buay ta han).
Sunday, September 11, 2005
as my uncle got injured in a car accident last sunday.
His condition: serious.
10 over stitches on his head,
and a protruding bone from his elbow.
1st Op: couldn't do much as the wound was very swollen & messed up inside
2nd Op: cleaned his wound
3rd Op: fixed his bone back with 1 metal plate in his arm and 2 metal pieces pierced through his skin to support his bone. (oh no! super painful!)
Thats not the end lor.
He still have to REMOVE the metals,
not knowing when...
as the doc will update us on monday.
I just got back home awhile ago,
from changi general hosp.
why was i there?
this time round, i sent my grandpa to A&E.
Thank god he's fine,
but he needs to go back for a checkup again on coming mon or tues.
Why is Life so vulnerable?
so unpredictable...
such that you never know wat may happen e very nxt minute.
=( I guess there's just no answer to that.
This is life.
So peepz,
Cherish the close ones you have by your side now...
Cherish the moments you spend with them...
& the chances people give you...
Keep regrets to e minimum!
Many things in my mind now.
But shall think no more...
Off to bed now =)
Sunday, September 04, 2005
at this moment of the night..
or shd i say DAY?
it's like 3+am and i AM still awake!!
Reached home @ abt 12.15am after a night at Holland V. Swensons celebrating our dear Roger's bday!! Everyone had a great time man! Especially so after a long week of work..projects..deadlines and more deadlines to meet. Finally have some time to relax and spend quality time with the nTu market!
Of cos, our bday boy had the most fun!
Roger hor?..with the "snowflakes"! *grinZ*
Bday boy..what to do..sure die die have to be sabo-ed! Haha...
Missed superstar last thursday...and guess what?
My sweet mummy taped it for me!
*ah HA!* that's the reason why i am still up at this time!
I tot Kelly did a great job tis time compared..
So pretty tonight..and lovely outfits she have for every single song...
Wei Lian leh?
His voice is really spectacular without doubt since the first time I heard him...but however, I still feel that the criteria of a Superstar includes the whole it his looks, his dressing, his style, his charisma, his stage performance ... sad to say, personally I feel that he lacks the X-Factor that a Superstar HAS to have.
I especially liked the duet JJ Lin & Kelly performed! =)
He also sang my personal favourite - "bei feng cui guo de xia tian"!!
It was like on repeat mode in my songlist for quite sometime!
Oh yes! did anyone notice? Joanne Peh was at the concert too!!!
She's cool =)
Okay...sleepy me shall turn in to bed now.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005