This year's celebration was quite different from previous years. We organised a joint mother's day celebration. Ha. i.e. all the mummys (from my dad's side) gathered together at Jim's (my cousin) place for dinner. My mum's side came over last night. And the crux of it all, was that every family had to bring something they whipped up themselves for the dinner! Ha. It's really heart-warming and fun to see everyone (All mothers except myself and Jim, and our 3rd Aunt) busy at work in the kitchen! Haha. Jim & I fried rice! AND surprisingly, its voted the BEST dish out of all! Wahahaha! And that's according to the Daddys' feedback. But well, we did put in loads of effort and sweat k! Lol. So...we do deserve the praise!!! Hee.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
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