Today, the 14th of May, marksa special day for a very special someone. No one could replace her standing in my heart. From her, I knew the meaning of love, the boundless sacrifice a mother would go all out for her child, I knew that no matter what happens, no matter how the world shuns me, there will always be someone standing by my side, supporting me, loving me, encouraging me. I knew the importance of kinship, friendship, relationships in all.
No amount of words could express my appreciation for this"Superwoman"in my life! When I was much younger & rebellious, friends used to b my top priority. But as time moves on, I realized & came to know that in my heart, family will always be mynumber 1. =)
Thanks mommy dearest!!!~*
I LOVE U! (Oh so mushy) But I really do. Albeit at times, she really could make me curse and like forgetting to tape several last episodes of my favourite tv programmes, constantly nagging me to pack my room, making me drink i-dunno-what which looks disgustingly horrible... the list goes on. lol. Nevertheless, She's stillmy bestest friend ever! & I know in this world, no one could love me more than her!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
marks a special day for a very special someone.
No one could replace her standing in my heart.
From her,
I knew the meaning of love,
the boundless sacrifice a mother would go all out for her child,
I knew that no matter what happens,
no matter how the world shuns me,
there will always be someone standing by my side,
supporting me, loving me, encouraging me.
I knew the importance of kinship, friendship, relationships in all.
No amount of words could express my appreciation
for this "Superwoman" in my life!
When I was much younger & rebellious,
friends used to b my top priority.
But as time moves on,
I realized & came to know that in my heart,
family will always be my number 1. =)
Thanks mommy dearest!!!~*
I LOVE U! (Oh so mushy)
But I really do.
Albeit at times, she really could make me curse and
like forgetting to tape several last episodes of my favourite tv programmes,
constantly nagging me to pack my room,
making me drink i-dunno-what which looks disgustingly horrible...
the list goes on. lol. Nevertheless,
She's still my bestest friend ever!
& I know in this world, no one could love me more than her!
My brother & Me: Happy Mommy's Day!!
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