Current Time:6.40 A.M!! & I'mfinaallly done with it! Yes!! FINALLY!
So I was thinking, "Since I'm still kinda awake... afteR eating quite a no. of vanhouten almond chocs...(sharks!) I might as well take this golden opportunity to blog!!"
Today Yesterday had been a looong, but HAPPY day! I had piano lessons @ miwadarling's neighbourhood, followed by dinner with Rach, Jim & Michelle in Orchard~* (COusins MeetuP!) It was ge-reat lah! Dinner plc was not too bad (The Canteen @ Shaw Centre!), plus the company was rare! (Cos Ms Lee's like forever not around in Sg!)
Oh yes, I was so shocked when she told me about the price of budget airlines in Europe. It's like so freaking cheap! ranging from as low as 1 pound (without airport tax) to 6 pounds? The max. with tax would be a rough 15 pounds! Flying from one plc to another in Europe! cheap right???!! But still useful info.! We could use our tour as a guideline, and could return to those breath-taking places for more in dept sightseeing during free & ez! How's tt euro gang?????? Anyway, I'm getting really excited about our trip as the date gets creeps by! *whEeeeeeee*
Okay...since I've missed quite a no. of days... Let's have a glimpse of the recent happenings!
Sunday 16/04
As most of you know, It is our tradition for the birthday boys & girls in Ntumarket to be sabo-ed on their Birthdays! So many birthdays have passed...& the outcome was always disastrous I tell you. Worst of the worst so far...I guess would b miwachan?? hoho~*
Haaa, & instead of being shocked...we (Daniel & Me) turned around & gave the evil heartful-planners a shock instead~!! loL~* We knew lahh...We knew about THE surprise! Hoho~* BUT, I know you guys painstakingly planned everything...hAaa..really reeally appreciate it from within! *muuuuaacks*
Elv & Minqian posing with their taste-like-egg Mango Pudding~
You see what I see??? FOooooooooooOOOOOd!
~staRs of the niGht~ 1 turnIng 22, the otheR turning 23!
woah! chocolate cake wor!! *yummmy*
Cutting-cakE ceremony.......! (see andy & siwei at the back???? they r preparing the flour lor!!!)
An "ALL-IN" photo shot b4 mq dear left for another bday celeb.!
The mooooost reliable & trustworthy mother weini with Me & daN!!
*shiverrrrrrs* ThE SABo kINGs @ work...!
*flourrrrr flying all over* Brilliant la! different tactic this time round... mastermind siwei made us 'kill' each other, so both ways, 1 of us definitely will kenna... plus they donch havta do anything!!! haha! well-done!
Brief Explaination of Game: Do you see the 5 white paper cups on the table? They are all filled with flour, & in addition, 2 or 3 of those cups have eggs added in them. There's also an orange-coloured plastic ball in the middle (3rd) cup. Aim of the game? The aim is to blow our way through! Meaning, for me, I have to try to blow the ball towards the last cup (just in front of dan) and finally out of the last cup... in dan's direction. & for dan, it's the opposite la. See the picture? we're not only blowing flour onto our faces, but also to the other party as well!
*woah* kua dior gui!!! (in hokkien: see ghost) Time-oUt! the meantime, my lovely girls tried their best to clean me up (muacks girls) & snapsnapsnap! more photos!! haa, the usual US!~ we played 2 rounds of flour-blowing liao...& *shakes head* I was basically trashed lor..hoho, by our dear huaqing! After our little half-time rest, siwei changed the formation of those cups & we moved on to our FINAL round! (more challenging!)
the 'killing' continues!! (how can dey bear to see us 自相残杀...!!)
Haa, as you can's Mr Dan with his victory pose!!!! (Meaning...i LOST AGAIN LA!!! urgh..haa) I remember Dan having this Victory *whoSH* pose! But it's nt with me..i tiNk it's in princess's camera~
Okay, I lost..what's next?! after 3 rounds of flour-blowing! I was trashed...yes whole world knows!! *sobs* shooooooo...I had to use my mouth, to pick up this meatball in a bowl of killingly-hot 麻辣烫, & there after...immediately drowned my throat with ice-waterr la! & ended up with red swollen lips!
oh no, I feel a sudden lost of energy within me. Haaa, I tink I'm concussing sooon. It's like so "late" by the way. I shall round things up with a...
Special thanks to all who turned up on Sunday... despite this critical period of mugging for exams... you guys still took the trouble & effort to plan this 'surprise' for dan & mua! yesyes, especially for those who have papers tdy!! haa, yours truly shall give you guys extra muaccks k!! hoho~) *truly touched......!*
Daniel & Miss taN!!! I heard it took u guys damn long a time to find THE pen!!! hAaa...muaaaaaaaaacks! thanks 2 meet sec. til become meet each other to buy pressie! haa...You guys know how much you 2 mean to me right?? =P
Received greeetings from 33 & Karen tt nite too...Thanks ladies!! =)) And to the wonderful giRLS!!!
First,thanks for tricking me into thinking it's a bag-shopping outing hor! wahAa..but *coughcoughs* all was out b4 tt day! lol! Well-done lah, looked so convincing...other than a lil' hiccups here & there behind the scenes. & I could sense that miss tan had sth up her sleeve plainly jus msn-ing! haaa... Second, thanks for standing by me throughout the saBO... tAking water for me, Taking tiSsue for me, clEaninG me uP...!! My jiemeis alright! Hahaa~* So I shall b nice, & forgive you all for lying to me!
Of cos, not forgetting the masterminds behind the SABOS! Haaa, Mr. Siwei & Andy Koh....! How I thanking them? guys have injected so much life into ntumarket!!! But er hMm...more bdays to come! When it's the Mastermind's ah.. hohoho!!!!! *evil grinZzzzzz*
Roger & Huiyi! Haa..How come Roger's so quiet tonite? He hurt his he's Mr. Nice tonite... lol~* Thanks Huiyi for comingg tooo~ Nice to c u after quite a long while!
Summing it all up, I truly treasure & cherish this genuine friendship of ours!! Cheers to the Many MANY more yearS of FRIENDSHIP!!!! =))) You guys made my night!
Saturday 16/04
I shall keep this short & sweeet k! My close ones celebrated my bday earlier for me! Dined at No-SignBoard by the Kallang River~ Food wasn't fantastic (NSB @ ECP rawkssss!), But we yekked like nth... Haa, with my Parents, Godma, Jim, Michelle, Auntie Eve, Uncle Lawrence, Ah-Ma (My Mum's Mum)!! Yeaps! A small cosy bunch which I'm superbly comfortable with! Thanks for all those lovely pressies...lovely choc. haagen dazs cake... & everything tt nite! I feel really loved! =) (A pity my brother's not around...We ARE close! Haa..surprisingly close... Nm lah...I'll see YOU in July ya???? =P Hugs) Pics shall come be up soooon! (too 'seh' to wait for the pics to upload)
Friday 15/04
indulged in lotsa sinful foodstuffs this weekend! We had buffet lunch @ paramount *yummmmmz* "We" included relatives on my mum's side... we are close...but seldom have the oppotunity to hang out! SO, good friday's a gd chance! thereafter...I chauffeured them to EXPO to have a look at JOhn LIttle's waRehse saLe... CrazY PPL! parking was terrible lor! Drived around for quite some time before I chanced upon a car driving out of THIS SPECIFIC LOT jus on my left! *YAY!* Singaporeans as they are...SALE...& you see every1 splashing for it! Machiam as if it's F.O.C! The Queue...nearly fainted. lol. But thank-god a kind soul was assigned to help us queue for the payment!! hoho! Din't buy anything..din't have the time to look at the shoes too! (wasted!) Jus got 3 shirts in the end..haa..for $3.50 each, same designs..but different colours! After sending them to my house... Daddy & me headed for simlim as I wanted to buy a bluetooth add-on for my lappie!! (woah..surprisingly..ntumarket got me that v same thing!! gasp. you guys do know what I want! hahaa..why never tell me! lol.)
As for thursday...miwadear, dan & mua went for a Haircut @ Shunji Matsuo!! For more details...check it out at Dan's Site!!! Hoho!! That's all for tonite folks!!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
& I'm finaallly done with it! Yes!! FINALLY!
So I was thinking, "Since I'm still kinda awake...
afteR eating quite a no. of vanhouten almond chocs...(sharks!)
I might as well take this golden opportunity to blog!!"
TodayYesterday had been a looong, but HAPPY day!I had piano lessons @ miwadarling's neighbourhood,
followed by dinner with Rach, Jim & Michelle in Orchard~* (COusins MeetuP!)
It was ge-reat lah! Dinner plc was not too bad (The Canteen @ Shaw Centre!),
plus the company was rare! (Cos Ms Lee's like forever not around in Sg!)
Oh yes, I was so shocked when she told me about the price of budget airlines in Europe.
It's like so freaking cheap! ranging from as low as 1 pound (without airport tax) to 6 pounds? The max. with tax would be a rough 15 pounds! Flying from one plc to another in Europe! cheap right???!! But still useful info.! We could use our tour as a guideline, and could return to those breath-taking places for more in dept sightseeing during free & ez! How's tt euro gang?????? Anyway, I'm getting really excited about our trip as the date gets creeps by! *whEeeeeeee*
Okay...since I've missed quite a no. of days...
Let's have a glimpse of the recent happenings!
Sunday 16/04
Haaa, & instead of being shocked...we (Daniel & Me) turned around & gave the
evilheartful-planners a shock instead~!! loL~* We knew lahh...We knew about THE surprise! Hoho~*BUT, I know you guys painstakingly planned everything...hAaa..really reeally appreciate it from within! *muuuuaacks*
Now...let's take a look @ the photos!
@ dinner location (川一品 opp. bugis)...haaa, mass card writing b4 dinner!
Elv & Minqian posing with their taste-like-egg Mango Pudding~
You see what I see???
~staRs of the niGht~
1 turnIng 22, the otheR turning 23!
woah! chocolate cake wor!! *yummmy*
Cutting-cakE ceremony.......!
(see andy & siwei at the back???? they r preparing the flour lor!!!)
An "ALL-IN" photo shot b4 mq dear left for another bday celeb.!
The mooooost reliable & trustworthy mother weini with Me & daN!!
ThE SABo kINGs @ work...!
*flourrrrr flying all over*
Brilliant la! different tactic this time round...
mastermind siwei made us 'kill' each other,
so both ways, 1 of us definitely will kenna...
plus they donch havta do anything!!! haha! well-done!
Brief Explaination of Game:
Do you see the 5 white paper cups on the table?
They are all filled with flour, & in addition,
2 or 3 of those cups have eggs added in them.
There's also an orange-coloured plastic ball
in the middle (3rd) cup. Aim of the game?
The aim is to blow our way through!
Meaning, for me,
I have to try to blow the ball towards the last cup
(just in front of dan) and finally out of the last cup...
in dan's direction. & for dan, it's the opposite la.
See the picture?
we're not only blowing flour onto our faces,
but also to the other party as well!
*woah* kua dior gui!!! (in hokkien: see ghost)
Time-oUt! the meantime,
my lovely girls tried their best to clean me up (muacks girls)
& snapsnapsnap! more photos!! haa, the usual US!~
we played 2 rounds of flour-blowing liao...& *shakes head*
I was basically trashed lor..hoho, by our dear huaqing!
After our little half-time rest, siwei changed the formation of those cups
& we moved on to our FINAL round! (more challenging!)
the 'killing' continues!!
(how can dey bear to see us 自相残杀...!!)
(Meaning...i LOST AGAIN LA!!! urgh..haa)
I remember Dan having this Victory *whoSH* pose!
But it's nt with me..i tiNk it's in princess's camera~
Okay, I lost..what's next?!
after 3 rounds of flour-blowing!
I was trashed...yes whole world knows!!
*sobs* shooooooo...I had to use my mouth,
to pick up this meatball in a bowl of killingly-hot 麻辣烫,
& there after...immediately drowned my throat with ice-waterr la!
& ended up with red swollen lips!
oh no, I feel a sudden lost of energy within me.
Haaa, I tink I'm concussing sooon. It's like so "late" by the way.
I shall round things up with a...
Special thanks to all who turned up on Sunday...
despite this critical period of mugging for exams...
you guys still took the trouble & effort to plan this 'surprise' for dan & mua!
yesyes, especially for those who have papers tdy!!
haa, yours truly shall give you guys extra muaccks k!! hoho~)
*truly touched......!*
Daniel & Miss taN!!! I heard it took u guys damn long a time to find THE pen!!!
hAaa...muaaaaaaaaacks! thanks 2 meet sec. til become meet each other to buy pressie! haa...You guys know how much you 2 mean to me right?? =P
Received greeetings from 33 & Karen tt nite too...Thanks ladies!! =))
And to the wonderful giRLS!!!
First,thanks for tricking me into thinking it's a bag-shopping outing hor! wahAa..but *coughcoughs* all was out b4 tt day! lol! Well-done lah,
looked so convincing...other than a lil' hiccups here & there behind the scenes.
& I could sense that miss tan had sth up her sleeve plainly jus msn-ing! haaa...
Second, thanks for standing by me throughout the saBO...
tAking water for me, Taking tiSsue for me, clEaninG me uP...!!
My jiemeis alright! Hahaa~* So I shall b nice,
& forgive you all for lying to me!
Of cos, not forgetting the masterminds behind the SABOS!
Haaa, Mr. Siwei & Andy Koh....! How I thanking them? guys have injected so much life into ntumarket!!!
But er hMm...more bdays to come!
When it's the Mastermind's ah..
hohoho!!!!! *evil grinZzzzzz*
Roger & Huiyi! Haa..How come Roger's so quiet tonite?
He hurt his he's Mr. Nice tonite...
lol~* Thanks Huiyi for comingg tooo~
Nice to c u after quite a long while!
Summing it all up, I truly treasure & cherish
this genuine friendship of ours!!
Cheers to the Many MANY more yearS of FRIENDSHIP!!!! =)))
You guys made my night!
Saturday 16/04
I shall keep this short & sweeet k!
My close ones celebrated my bday earlier for me!
Dined at No-SignBoard by the Kallang River~
Food wasn't fantastic (NSB @ ECP rawkssss!),
But we yekked like nth...
Haa, with my Parents, Godma, Jim, Michelle, Auntie Eve,
Uncle Lawrence, Ah-Ma (My Mum's Mum)!!
Yeaps! A small cosy bunch which I'm superbly comfortable with!
Thanks for all those lovely pressies...lovely choc. haagen dazs cake...
& everything tt nite! I feel really loved! =)
(A pity my brother's not around...We ARE close! Haa..surprisingly close...
Nm lah...I'll see YOU in July ya???? =P Hugs)
Pics shall come be up soooon! (too 'seh' to wait for the pics to upload)
Friday 15/04
indulged in lotsa sinful foodstuffs this weekend!
We had buffet lunch @ paramount *yummmmmz*
"We" included relatives on my mum's side...
we are close...but seldom have the oppotunity to hang out!
SO, good friday's a gd chance!
thereafter...I chauffeured them to EXPO to have a look at JOhn LIttle's waRehse saLe... CrazY PPL! parking was terrible lor! Drived around for quite some time before I chanced upon a car driving out of THIS SPECIFIC LOT jus on my left! *YAY!*
Singaporeans as they are...SALE...& you see every1 splashing for it! Machiam as if it's F.O.C! The Queue...nearly fainted. lol. But thank-god a kind soul was assigned to help us queue for the payment!! hoho! Din't buy anything..din't have the time to look at the shoes too! (wasted!) Jus got 3 shirts in the end..haa..for $3.50 each, same designs..but different colours! After sending them to my house...
Daddy & me headed for simlim as I wanted to buy a bluetooth add-on for my lappie!! (woah..surprisingly..ntumarket got me that v same thing!! gasp. you guys do know what I want! hahaa..why never tell me! lol.)
As for thursday...miwadear, dan & mua went for a Haircut @ Shunji Matsuo!!
For more details...check it out at Dan's Site!!! Hoho!! That's all for tonite folks!!
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