Friends... dey do come in phases ya? pri sch friends, sec sch friends, jc friends, uni friends, & now... working colleagues come into e picture too!
sadly... many are just passer-bys popping by... but still! there are few precious ones who stay. until now.
i do hope my new friends @ hlf will remain & stay in my life! dey really made a significant difference throughout my 2 months there... except for 1 person ( i don't easily dislike people..but this specific 1..sigh), every1 @ hlf is really friendly, real... & v caring! Apart frm the treats which they have been showering me with... some even gave me gifts tdy! & tt totally surprised me as i din't expect to receive any @ all! they are really so so so sweet!
captured many lovely memories in my digi. cam tdy. took with nearly every1 in office... took with the 2 VPs who who guided me along throughout my stay @ hlf... took with e fun-filled marketing executives... & of cos... nt forgeting... our ever cute & happy-go-lucky secretaries!! also, we had many long, sincere 1 to 1 chats too...
considering e short period of time i have @ hlf... can say tt it's rather 难得 that we are this close! I was quite sad @ e end of e day... but well... life has to move on... i will definitely keep in contact with all of them!
in 3 weeks time... it's gonna be back to student-life for me! sth which i really missed so much! i never tot i would until i started working...
as the saying goes, "a picture paints a thousand words". here u go! shots taken on my last day... (for larger view..ya guys can click the "my photos" to see k! =)
KL & his team! feeling so loved by all e secretaries!
Yuhaini! my nus buddy!
Belinda & me! very soft-spoken lady...v sweet 1 too! see! she got me this cute lil' bear!
Bhong & myself!
Emly & me! e one i click most with! She's aldy married with THREE kids... unbelievable ya?
Saturday, July 02, 2005
dey do come in phases ya?
pri sch friends,
sec sch friends,
jc friends,
uni friends,
& now...
working colleagues come into e picture too!
many are just passer-bys popping by...
but still!
there are few precious ones who stay.
until now.
i do hope my new friends @ hlf will remain & stay in my life!
dey really made a significant difference throughout my 2 months there...
except for 1 person ( i don't easily dislike people..but this specific 1..sigh),
every1 @ hlf is really friendly, real...
& v caring!
Apart frm the treats which they have been showering me with...
some even gave me gifts tdy!
& tt totally surprised me as i din't expect to receive any @ all!
they are really so so so sweet!
captured many lovely memories in my digi. cam tdy.
took with nearly every1 in office...
took with the 2 VPs who who guided me along throughout my stay @ hlf...
took with e fun-filled marketing executives...
& of cos...
nt forgeting...
our ever cute & happy-go-lucky secretaries!!
also, we had many long, sincere 1 to 1 chats too...
considering e short period of time i have @ hlf...
can say tt it's rather 难得 that we are this close!
I was quite sad @ e end of e day...
but well...
life has to move on...
i will definitely keep in contact with all of them!
in 3 weeks time...
it's gonna be back to student-life for me!
sth which i really missed so much!
i never tot i would until i started working...
as the saying goes, "a picture paints a thousand words".
here u go!
shots taken on my last day...
(for larger view..ya guys can click the "my photos" to see k! =)
KL & his team!
feeling so loved by all e secretaries!
Yuhaini! my nus buddy!
Belinda & me!
very soft-spoken lady...v sweet 1 too!
see! she got me this cute lil' bear!
Bhong & myself!
Emly & me!
e one i click most with!
She's aldy married with THREE kids...
unbelievable ya?
some lovely gifts by lovely ppl!
Me strangling Emly!!!
i won't forget you guys...!
i promise.
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